Ten-year-old Ernest lives a flat, colorless life. Each day is the same: he comes home right after school, eats a healthy snack, and does his homework. Enter Victoria, the new girl in class. Victoria instantly falls in love with Ernest, and bulldozes ...
The last thing the class expects when they go back to school is for their new teacher to be old! And then he gives them a goofy present-a book of coupons: one coupon for skipping school for a day; one coupon for not listening in class; one coupon for...
William's truthful but impolite answer in class gets him suspended for three days where he takes the time to look around at the hard working world of his north Paris community and then quickly comes to realize that an education is the key to a comfor...
Two hilarious, contemporary fairy tales follow two very different princesses--Princess Yona, who longs for an ordinary life, and Princess Emma, who wants to find her own version of Prince Charming--who overcome their royal challenges with strength an...
Leaving elementary school behind, sixth-grader Margot is excited about going to Pine Tree Junior High and has a lot of preparation to do before the big day, in a tale about one of life's important milestones....
Offers young readers a collection of two tales, including "The Autograph" and "Our Teacher’s Boyfriend," featuring the tale of a young girl whose prized possession doesn’t get the response she expects from her classmates and a devoted boyfriend w...
Children everywhere know that our world needs fixing, but it is the rare author who can put herself in children's shoes, and capture their complicated feelings in words. Susie Morgenstern has a gift for taking serious subjects and making sure they...
What was his grandmother thinking when she bought Benjamin such a strange present: an empty pink suitcase! To his mother’s horror, Benjamin is not only drawn to the suitcase -- he absolutely loves it. What’s more, as he grows older he shows no si...