A gorgeous retelling of Frances Hodgson Burnett's poignant novel, which follows the story of kind-hearted Sara Crewe and her struggles at boarding school, as she goes from riches to rags and back again, following the death of her beloved father. Eleg...
'Little Red Riding Hood' is written especially for children who are learning to read. With delightful illustrations, this book combines a great story with simple text to excite and inspire any beginner reader....
When life on the farm becomes too hard for a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster, they decide to runaway and join a band - little do they know they will soon encounter a rascally band of robbers! Simply written in lively, flowing text Usborne First ...
Containing stories from well-known authors such as Rudyard Kipling and Aesop as well as traditional tales from around the world including fighting crabs, gigantic frogs and a polar bear's search for home, all kinds of children are sure to find a stor...
The classic story of The Little Red Hen retold with simple text and delightful illustrations. The Little Red Hen works hard all year to grow grains of wheat to make bread. Not one of her friends is willing to help her, so do they deserve the deliciou...
The classic fairy tale, specially retold for young children and illustrated with fresh, bright pictures. Featuring the stylish, vibrant illustrations of Lorena Alvarez. Part of a collectable series of picture books which includes classic and tradi...
A charming retelling of the traditional fairytale with simple text and delightful illustrations. When mum's house becomes too small, it's time for Pinky, Percy and Poppy Pig to build houses of their own. But will they chose their materials wisely and...
This new collection of Aesop's fables is sumptuously illustrated by Giuliano Ferri and presented as a hardback gift edition to be read again and again. Each of these timeless stories conveys a message about how to behave towards others. Stories inclu...
The story of Jack, who swaps his mother''s cow for some ""magic"" beans which grow into a huge beanstalk. By climbing this oversized plant, Jack reaches the home of a terrifying giant. Will Jack be able to escape with the giant''s gold, or will t...
A charming retelling of the well-loved fairy story with enchanting illustrations by Sara Gianassi. Part of the Usborne Reading Programme, a collection of over 300 reading books, graded in eight levels and developed with reading experts. Level Four bo...
Hare is the fastest animal around and he knows it. In fact, he can't stop boasting about it. So Tortoise challenges him to a race to try and prove him wrong. There's just one problem. Tortoise is very, very slow. How will he ever win the race?...
Meet Cinderella, a young girl with a wicked stepmother, two cruel stepsisters…and a magical fairy godmother, who is set to make her dreams come true. This sparkling retelling is an enchanting introduction to the classic fairy tale....
See the classic fairy tale spring to life in this beautiful pop-up book. Scenes include the Wicked Queen and her mirror, the seven dwarfs emerging from their cottage, Snow White taking a bite of the apple and the prince's rescue. Ingenious pops combi...