Former US Deputy Marshal and Union Calvary Captain Turner Brown, haunted by his memories of the role he played in the past death of the innocent, again pins on a lawman's star in the wake of a deadly bank robbery by unrepentant Rebels. A deadly journ...
When 'Little Bill' Dolan, who was well on his way to killing twenty-one men before his twenty-first birthday, committed a deadly robbery of the Santa Fe-to-Albuquerque stagecoach, U.S. Deputy Marshal Turner Brown felt he had no choice but to hunt dow...
Distraught over the death of the woman he loved, U.S. Deputy Marshal Turner Brown rode from Albuquerque to Santa Fe to resign...but he agreed to "one more job." Twice. First in Las Vegas, New Mexico, where the vigilantes who had driven the corrupt ma...
Deputy U. S. Marshal Turner Brown rode along the Rio Puerco wanting nothing more than the peace and tranquility of the Big Horn Mountains. But Destiny had different plans for Brown. First, Brown was forced to deal with the Mormon 'Avengers' who wante...
Deputy U. S. Marshal Turner Brown is in Mesilla, New Mexico as a Judge's Marshal in the investigation of a deadly riot that has killed a dozen innocent by-standers. Brown is forced to deal with a revenge-seeking cowboy with murder in his heart, Apach...
By the time Cody Hunter’s parents rescued their son from the honky-tonk life, the boy had gained such insight into the human condition there was very little reason to believe he would ever be satisfied with singing “Hail to Rockford High” at th...
Deputy U. S. Marshal Turner Brown finally resigns and rides out of the New Mexico Territory. Headed for the peace of the Big Horn Mountains. Brown reunites with long time ally Ahiga and spends a loving week with Ruby, the statuesque redheaded widow a...