The fourth in our ongoing series of Final Destination further adventures. When an amusement ride built on top of the tallest building in Las Vegas collapses, Annie Goodwin and Tom Gaines believe that they and their friends have escaped from Death'...
From Steven A. Roman, bestselling author of X-Men: The Chaos Engine Trilogy, comes the debut of a thrilling dark urban-fantasy novel series! Sixteen-year-old Goth girl Pandora Zwieback has a major problem: she's just discovered that her New York City...
An exciting Mature Readers graphic novel, written by Steven A. Roman, bestselling author of X-Men: The Chaos Engine Trilogy and The Saga of Pandora Zwieback! The old gods are returning--at least that is the intention of the nefarious Cult of Nehalen...
It's teenaged Goth monster hunter Pandora Zwieback's first full-length comic book adventure! Following the events of the Saga of Pandora Zwieback novels Blood Feud and Blood Reign, Pan tries to get her chaotic life back in order. But that's really ha...
PANDORA ZWIEBACK IS DEAD...OR IS SHE? She was stabbed in the heart with an ancient mystical spear. Her mother was kidnapped by a band of vampires led by a fallen angel. Their goal: unleashing hell on earth. And every living creature on the planet fac...
She came from a dying world in search of adventure, love...and blood!The year was 1969. Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon. Over 300,000 music lovers flooded into a farm outside Woodstock, NY for the ultimate concert. The Beatles...