In an America devastated by nuclear war and divided into two opposing sides, three Hell's Angels, on a mission of salvation for the West Coast's Fief, ride eastward through ambush, imprisonment, and pursuit...
In this exciting World War II thriller, Germany's most skillful U-boat captain takes a radical new submarine on a desperate mission to the shores of England to save his homeland from utter defeat. However, this attempt unleashes a nightmare unlike an...
Mary and her six-year-old daughter, Amanda, are moving into their new home after Mary’s husband has been killed in a car wreck. Mary is looking forward to the solitude of country living, away from the noise, crowds and violence of the large city. W...
When the Nazis discover that Winston Churchill and President Franklin D. Roosevelt have set up a secret meeting, they set to destroy Churchill's convoy, and Captain George Hardy, the commander of the HMS
When Marine Lieutenant Michael Neill is ordered to the former Soviet Union, his assignment is to verify nuclear disarmament. But before his mission begins, an American reconnaissance plane is attacked by a Russian fighter, and a Navy pilot is killed....
Newborn babies are smuggled to safety from an oppressive regime, as an ancient prophecy foretells that only when their magic is combined on their sixteenth nameday will the evil be overcome. Unitl then, they have to be kept safe from both the regime'...
Somalia has split in two, with armed insurgents threatening American lives. China has emerged as a leading arms exporter, supplying weapons to Third World nations. But before National Security Advisor Willis Avery can deal with either danger, he face...
Long Range is back! A special edition launched by Dr. Cicero Books, this reissue of the classic motorbike novel offers the full, unabridged book, in addition to an exclusive 2013 interview with the author. America as we know it is no more. In the wes...
In everyone's life, there comes a time when a choice has to be made. Dependent on that choice, a different reality may come to pass. For twenty-three year old Cathy Weston, her choices lead to very different outcomes....
Christmas Avenue was a quiet, small street in a southern English town, containing a dozen two-bedroomed houses. Outwardly, nothing appeared to be unusual about the avenue or its inhabitants, but behind those doors . . ....
Newborn twins are smuggled to safety from an oppressive regime, as an ancient prophecy foretells that only when their magic is combined on their sixteenth nameday will the evil be overcome. Until then, they have to be kept safe from both the regime's...
Murder. History. Mayhem.Recently divorced, Ethan Hudson is looking for something to occupy his time and, encouraged by his daughter to get out more, he decides to sign up for a local evening history class to improve his knowledge of Lancashire’s pa...
When Lowill finds herself in a strange futuristic world, she is raped and has to be rescued by Carina, a young woman who was driving past at the time. Carina looks after Lowill as she recovers from her ordeal. Pregnant as a result of the assault, a y...
When David Rathman receives a strange pamphlet through the post, inviting him to join a new golf club in Scotland, little does he realise the import contained within the papers. A lightning strike transports him to a nightmare reality where he finds ...
When he is transported into a different land, Garvek finds he has been chosen to continue the fight to rid the world of the evil of Viegic. With the help of a local girl called Acquilion, he attempts to complete his quest before it is too late - but,...
Let it begin…Faced with a brutal murder, the police don't know where to turn until they spot a coded message on the wall. In blood â€" for Holmes' lapdog. The escaped serial killer Morgan Gregory is back and he wants police officer Ben Watson to co...
POLAND’S PAST AND PRESENT COLLIDE IN AN EPIC QUEST FOR PEACE AND TREASURE! In Central Europe, Poland has rejected plans for an anti-missile shield -- until a threat from beyond their borders causes disaster. During testing, an Iranian ICBM veers of...
As Liverpool Fc attempt to win the league title for the first time in almost a generation, a group of supporters meet up at away matches throughout the season. However, at every game, something happens - cars are stolen, shops are broken into, women ...
This volume contains the novel 'When Two Become One' and its sequel novella 'When One Becomes Two'. When Two Become One: Newborn twins are smuggled to safety from an oppressive regime, as an ancient prophecy foretells that only when their magic is co...
After he is unfairly dismissed after making a casual remark at a pre-Christmas function, 'Nursery Crimes - Crime' tells the story of how he takes his revenge on womankind by embarking on a year-long killing spree, with each fortnightly murder precede...
A collection of sixty short stories, articles and poems, covering a range of genres and topics. Heysel, the title story, is a firsthand report of the unfolding tale of the disaster at the Heysel Stadium, Brussels, on the occasion of the 1985 European...
Lothar Klein has returned to Earth for the first time in many years, as an invited dignitary to witness the longest eclipse in recorded history. His young daughter travels with him to experience a new planet for the first time, but things do not go a...
The year 2063 was destined to be a monumental one for Earth and its ever-growing population. For Zachary Mandelson, it was also an opportunity to be involved at the forefront of the first manned interstellar flight. Why, then, when the eyes of the wo...
In this sequel to Hedgehugs, Horace and Hattie return for another sweet story of friendship. It's spring! And everything is colorful―rainbows in the sky and flowers blossoming on trees. When Horace and Hattie Hedgehog see a caterpillar become a...
Summer, 1985; In the cold waters near Kamchatka, an incoherent, injured man -- the lone survivor of catastrophe -- is found adrift, and a Soviet naval officer is faced with a mystery, one that will echo into the future. In the present, planes have be...
Horace and Hattie are hedgehogs and the very best of friends. Together they make shadow puppets, follow slimy snail trails, and search for spider webs. One autumn day they are watching the leaves fall from the trees when they hear a squeak... Could i...
Ten-year-old Sadie is finding it hard to differentiate between all of the places that her teacher wants her to learn about. Her father, Jonathan, decides to try to help her by making up bedtime stories for each of the locations, and so begins a journ...
Ten-year-old Sadie Meadows is reading in bed on New Year's Eve when she finds a book called The World from Your Bedroom - There and Back Again, but when she opens it up and begins to read, she is a little disappointed to see it is nothing more than a...
Ten-year-old Sadie Meadows is reading in bed on New Year's Eve when she notices an unopened Christmas present amongst the pile beneath her window. She tears the wrapping paper off to find it contains a book called The World from Your Bedroom - There ...
Ten-year-old Sadie Meadows is reading in bed on New Year's Eve when she notices an unopened Christmas present amongst the pile beneath her window. She tears the wrapping paper off to find it contains a book called The World from Your Bedroom - There ...
Ten-year-old Sadie Meadows is reading in bed on New Year's Eve when she notices an unopened Christmas present amongst the pile beneath her window. She tears the wrapping paper off to find it contains a book called The World from Your Bedroom - There ...
Ten-year-old Sadie Meadows is reading in bed on New Year's Eve when she notices an unopened present beneath her window. She finds it contains a book called The World from Your Bedroom - There and Back Again, but when she opens it up and begins to rea...
Ten-year-old Sadie Meadows is reading in bed on New Year's Eve when she notices an unopened present beneath her window. She finds it contains a book called The World from Your Bedroom - There and Back Again, but when she opens it up and begins to rea...
Ten-year-old Sadie Meadows is reading in bed on New Year?s Eve when she notices an unopened present beneath her window. She finds it contains a book called The World from Your Bedroom - There and Back Again, but when she opens it up and begins to rea...
Ten-year-old Sadie Meadows is reading in bed on New Year?s Eve when she notices an unopened present beneath her window. She finds it contains a book called The World from Your Bedroom ? There and Back Again, but when she opens it up and begins to rea...
Ten-year-old Sadie Meadows is reading in bed on New Year's Eve when she notices an unopened present beneath her window. She finds it contains a book called The World from Your Bedroom - There and Back Again, but when she opens it up and begins to rea...
Ten-year-old Sadie Meadows is reading in bed on New Year's Eve when she notices an unopened present beneath her window. She finds it contains a book called The World from Your Bedroom - There and Back Again, but when she opens it up and begins to rea...
Ten-year-old Sadie Meadows is reading in bed on New Year's Eve when she notices an unopened present beneath her window. She finds it contains a book called The World from Your Bedroom - There and Back Again, but when she opens it up and begins to rea...
Ten-year-old Sadie Meadows is reading in bed on New Year's Eve when she notices an unopened present beneath her window. She finds it contains a book called The World from Your Bedroom - There and Back Again, but when she opens it up and begins to rea...
Almost eight months after her adventures around the world had concluded, twelve-year-old Sadie Meadows has been celebrating her birthday at home when 'The Book' pays her another unwelcome visit. This time, it tells her that she will be taken to the v...
Beautiful, alluring, and deadly, no man can resist her charms.No soul can escape her grasp. No grave can contain her infernal hunger... Of Flesh & Blood is a tale of Gothic Horror that will chill readers to their very bones. This is the untold story ...
T.J. Goes FishingBy: Steve WilsonAbout the AuthorAuthor Steve Wilson was raised on a creek farm in South Central Kentucky. Steve has always been an avid outdoorsman, from hunting and fishing to scouting and hiking. His passion for fishing began at an...
Step into the enchanting world of 'Leroy Brown, Dog Attorney at Law: The Rise of Leroy,' a delightful children's book that's as heartwarming as it is educational. Join Leroy, the lovable Boxer dog with a keen sense of justice, as he takes on the ...