In a frozen Antarctic wasteland, in the depths of the Amazon River, in a chamber beneath the ruins of the Sphinx, some-thing has surfaced: a cluster of crystalline artifacts composed of an energy source...
Detective James North is called upon to deal with a young, mentally unstable man holding a child hostage at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. When he arrives, he is disturbed to discover that - although the bad guy is a complete stranger - he's ...
Jared Spoon picked a hell of a week to quit smoking. When a parcel arrives from the love his life, Girl 77, he's surprised by two things. Firstly, she seems uncharacteristically affectionate. Secondly, there's a human body part attached to the note, ...
In a town full of monsters, it takes a real monster to get to the truth. Reno Floyd, zombie P.I., once a victim of Johnny Cash's insatiable need to shoot people just to watch them die, is on the case of a missing Blob. What happened to the Blob? Did ...
An epic and funny outer space adventure from acclaimed science fiction author and screenwriter Stel Pavlou!
Below the surface on a forgotten planet, Daniel Coldstar searches for relics from a lost civilization. Daniel has no memory of his past. Al...
In this exciting sequel to The Relic War, adventure calls…but can Truth prevail?
The galaxy is at war. And Daniel Coldstar and his Truth Seeker friends are traversing the galaxy, saving refugees from destroyed worlds and trying to locate the sto...
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Stel Pavlou has published 6 books.
Stel Pavlou does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, The Betrayer, was published in November 2019.
The first book by Stel Pavlou, Decipher, was published in September 2002.