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S.P. Meek's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    30 Books
  • First Book:
    January 1938
  • Latest Book:
    August 2014
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Book List in Order: 30 titles

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  • The yoke of Jovian oppression rests heavily on the dwellers of Earth -- until Damis, the Nepthalim, comes forward to lead them in spirited revolt....

  • During the 30's, the magazine Astounding Stories of Super Science was one of the premier venues for science fiction. One of the most popular characters from this time was the scientist, Dr. Bird, who with his friend, Secret Service Operative Carnes, ...

  • The exciting Sequel to Heaviside Layer, Jim Cartpenter was captured by Giant Beetles!  excerpt "No one knows what unrevealed horrors space holds and the world will never rest entirely easy until the slow process of time again heals the protectiv...

  • Jim Carpenter had never agreed to the opinion almost unanimously held by the scientists as to the true nature of the magnetic heaviside layer. He was going to try and punch a hole through it....

  • Dr. Bird and his friend Carnes unravel another criminal web of scientific mystery. excerpt "The clue, Carnes," said Dr. Bird slowly, "lies in those windows."Operative Carnes of the United States Secret Service shook his head before he glanced at the ...

  • The mysterious loss of the Arethusa is investigated by Dr. Bird and Carnes....

  • Only Dr. Bird's super-scientific sleuthing stands in the way of Ivan Saranoff's latest attempt at wholesale destruction excerpt Bells jangled discordantly. A whistle split the air with a piercing note. A band blared away on the platform. With a growi...

  • The Cave of Horror The Radio Robbery The Thief of Time Cold Light The Ray of Madness Stolen Brains The Sea Terror The Black Lamp When Caverns Yawned The Port of Missing Planes The Solar Magnet Poisoned Air Vanishing Gold The Great Droug...

  • Back in the dim dawn of civilization Anak the Hunter stands in his might before the encroaching Neanderthal men. excerpt A scream of rage split the darkness. From the side of the fire where the women sat darted Esle, the High Priestess, a bloody bit ...

  • This early work by S. P. Meek was originally published in 1930 and we are now republishing it as part of our Cryptofiction Classics series. 'The Cave of Horror' is a short story about an unseen creature lurking in Mammoth Cave. The Cryptofict...

  • How could a human body be found actually splintered -- broken into sharp fragments like shattered glass! Once again Dr. Bird probes deep into an amazing mystery.  excerpt “Confound it, Carnes, I am on my vacation!”<br>“I know it, Doc...

  • What was the extraordinary connection between Dr. Livermore's sudden disappearance and the coming of a new satellite to the Earth? excerpt Many of my readers will remember the mysterious radio messages which were heard by both amateur and professiona...

  • Another episode in Dr. Bird's long scientific duel with his country's arch-enemy, Saranoff....

  • The teller turned to the stacked pile of bills. They were gone! And no one had been near! Excerpt Harvey Winston, paying teller of the First National Bank of Chicago, stripped the band from a bundle of twenty dollar bills, counted out seventeen of th...

  • Another episode in Dr. Bird's extraordinary duel with the scientific wizard Saranoff. excerpt "Is the maneuver progressing as you wish. Dr. Bird?" asked the Chief of the Air Corps. The famous scientist lowered his binoculars and smiled. "Exactly, Gen...

  • Again Dr. Bird closes with the evil Saranoff -- this time near the Aberdeen Proving Ground, in a deadly, mysterious blanket of fog. excerpt A telephone bell jangled insistently. The orderly on duty dropped his feet from the desk to the floor and lift...

  • In the underground caverns of the Selom, Dr. Bird once again locks wills with the subversive genius, Saranoff. excerpt So that's the "Port of Missing Planes," mused Dick Purdy as he looked down over the side of his cockpit. "It looks wild and desolat...

  • It has long been a dream of metallurgists to conquer the science of transmutation of metals. Also it is a pet theme for writers of scientific fiction. We are well on the road to synthetic foods, why not synthetic metals? This time Capt Meek has devis...

  • "There's no hurry, Doctor," replied Operative Carnes of the United States Secret Service as he entered the room and sat on the edge of the Doctor's desk. "I haven't got a case up my sleeve this time; I just came in for a little chat." "All right, gla...

  • The Earth lay powerless beneath those loathsome, yellowish monsters that, sheathed in cometlike globes, sprang from the skies to annihilate man and reduce his cities to ashes. excerpt When Cyrus R. Thurston bought himself a single-motored Stoughton j...

  • Slowly, perceptibly the nations gold vanished, chaos threatened, ruin lurked ahead. excerpt A steel-grey limousine rolled west along Fulton Street in New York City. As it passed the corner of William Street, a powerful touring car with its curtains d...

  • This collection of novellas from Captain Sterner St. Paul Meek comes from the golden-age pulps. Known for his Dr. Bird short stories, Sterner was prodded into producing novellas due to his popularity.

    These illustrated novellas are collecte...

  • Meet Dr. Bird, a cross between Sherlock Holmes and Nikola Tesla. Dr. Bird, of the Bureau of Standards, along with his faithful sidekick Operative Carnes, travels the world solving mysteries and crimes using scientific methods and pure, cold logic. Wi...

  • The Anthology of Sci-Fi V22 is a collection of seventeen Sci-fi stories from one of the best writers of the past century. Included are: The Thief of Time, When Caverns Yawned, The Solar Magnet, Giants on the Earth, Poisoned Air, B. C. 30,000, The Gre...

  • There's something sinister lurking just outside the atmosphere of planet Earth. Someone is determined to keep humans from punching through the Heaviside Layer to explore outer space. Is it a prelude to interplanetary war?...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

S.P. Meek has published 30 books.

S.P. Meek does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Poisoned Air, was published in August 2014.

The first book by S.P. Meek, Rusty, a Cocker Spaniel, was published in January 1938.

No. S.P. Meek does not write books in series.