In Soseki Natsume's 1906 novel Botchan, the title character moves from the modern Tokyo to the more traditional city of Matsuyama to pursue a position teaching mathematics. Botchan interacts with a scheming colleague and mischievous students, and the...
"A nonchalant string of anecdotes and wisecracks, told by a fellow who doesn't have a name, and has never caught a mouse, and isn't much good for anything except watching human beings in action…" --The New Yorker Written over the course of 1904-190...
From Wikipedia: Kusamakura (__ lit. grass pillow) is a Japanese novel published in 1906 by Natsume S_seki. It tells the story of an artist who retreats to the mountains where he stays at a remote, almost deserted hotel. There he becomes intrigued...
Grass on the Wayside is an autobiographical novel written by Soseki Natsume in 1915. It encompasses a short period in Natsume’s life between 1903 and 1905, which corresponds to the later part of Japan’s Meiji era (1868-1912). By 1903, Japan had u...
Soseki’s acutely observed recollections of his unique experience as a Japanese scholar in Victorian London. The spectacle of a Japanese visitor to Victorian London was a rare one, and Natusme Soseki's observations contain unique snaptshots ...
Very Good in Wraps; 8vo; Paperback; 397 pages; A Perigree Book; 1982; First Perigree Printing; Subtitled: An Unfinished Novel; Translated from the Japanese, with a critical essay by V. H. Viglielmo; Edge wear and rubbing to wraps and spine; Creasing ...
Japan's beloved literary masterpiece brought to life in manga form!Soseki Natsume's comic masterpiece, I Am a Cat, satirizes the foolishness of upper-middle-class Japanese society in early 20th century Tokyo. Written with biting wit and sardonic pers...
A timeless psychological study of a young man's deep alienation from society.Set in the early 20th century, Kokoro opens with a chance encounter on a beach near Tokyo that irrevocably links a young student to a man he simply calls Sensei (Teacher). I...
"Filled with light, satirical touches." -- Donald KeeneReckless but unfailingly honest, Botchan is the youngest son in a middle-class Tokyo family. Following his graduation from college, he takes a job as a math teacher on the island of Shikoku, fa...