One coastal town full of memories, three boys she used to know. Fleeing her abusive ex, a dead-end job and no prospects for anything better, Mia returns to the coastal town where she used to spend her summers as a kid. She hopes that sorting thr...
Three guys who take her back into their arms, one more guy bringing along trouble.Having fled to the coastal town where she used to spend her summers, Mia reunites with three guys she used to know, and date, Dylan, the brainiac, Mal, the joker, and T...
One grim day looming, five lovers fighting to not shatter into a thousand pieces.The weekend wasn't easy on Mia or her four guys, Mal, Dylan, Tom and Jake. It started with Jake suddenly showing up at the house, bringing with him some secrets Mia trie...
One girl on the run again, five broken hearts to mend. The anniversary of Poppy's death is hard on everyone, but no matter how much she tries, Mia feels like she can't stay at the coast any longer, that her being there only brings more pain...
Five lovers figuring out what their lives together will look like, one place they never want to leave again. After Mia confronted her ex, she finally realised that she didn't want to live without Dylan, Mal, Tom and Jake anymore. She needs them ...
Five lovers, one life together. After everything Mia, Dylan, Mal, Tom and Jake have struggled through these past weeks, one final challenge remains, they need a place to live, a place that is theirs and theirs alone. Mia's parents are on th...
One day where everything falls apart, five lovers struggling to make sense of it all. The anniversary of Poppy's death was hard on them all, but no matter how hard she tried, Mia felt like she couldn't stay at the coast, that her being there wou...