In this powerful story of redemption and love, a prodigal young woman from the hills of Virginia flees the men who lured her away from a godly upbringing into a life of desperation. Taking on a new identity, Mary Bridget Washburn escapes to the quain...
TWO LIVES SEEMINGLY SHATTERED -- One from the inside out...The other from the outside in Lenore hadn't planned on changing their lives forever when she posed her question to Daniel.... Daniel's body tensed. Lenore stayed perfectly still, t...
Life is rewarding for Samuel Truelove. He's a gifted surgeon, he's married to the love of his life, and he has a beautiful daughter. But when he's called to perform an emergency surgery, a deadly cascade of events is set in motion, and his picture-pe...
A girl who has never been able to settle down, Miranda begins various adventures, but whenever reality begins to tarnish her dreams, she gives up. As she approaches her thirtieth birthday, she determines to reinvent her life. But there's one loose en...