When a bear named Mack wakes up with a boy on his back, we know instantly that we’re back in the droll and sweetly wacky world created by Sean Bryan and Tom Murphy in their first two highly successful picture books about a bunny-wearing boy and his...
A humorous way to show kids that being different can be a lot of fun! How would you feel if one morning you woke up with a big-eared, wet-nosed bunny on your head?Would you be surprised? And what would you do if you learned the bunny's name was Fred?...
Claire -- the sister of the “boy who one day woke up with a bunny on his head” -- discovers that she too has a strange new condition: When she looks in the mirror, there is a gator in her hair! What is she to do? Panic? Run to Mother? Or, like he...
A town becomes instantly famous when one special pug begins to juggle. But the pug is also mischievous, messy, and quite naughty. He digs holes in the yard, drinks all the soda in the fridge, and even poops on the rug! This continues until, finally, ...