Kaharas is one of the largest free cities on the continent of Varshon, a melting pot of humanoid species traveling, trading, and making a life for themselves. As all large cities, it attracts a substantial amount of crime largely ignored by the city'...
In the far future, alien technology captured by the Union Earth Privateers has fueled Earth's tenuous expansion from a single planet to a handful of systems across the Orion Spur.
Victoria Marin, captain of the U.E. Condor, and her crew of ...
Life as a tank mechanic won't make you famous, but at least no one shoots at you. That's what veteran maintainer Rande 'Vandal' VanDelle of the Chevaliers Private Calvary thought. Until, during a routine maintenance patrol, he found himself fighting ...
A savage ritual threatens to set off a tide of violence throughout the Heracles Gulf.Fresh off Tyunta and stripped of both Ardennes and his active status, Vandal must return to his home world and finish his jockey training before Colonel Swift secure...
When the Divine needs an interventionAs champion of the Goddess of Fate, Marluck had it all: fame, power, status-until his divine favor was stripped while fighting a freakish fledgling god-beast. He somehow became an Oathbreaker: a reviled fa...
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Scott Warren has published 8 books.
Scott Warren does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Oathbreakers Anonymous, was published in July 2023.
The first book by Scott Warren, Devilbone, was published in July 2014.