Author Information
Sandy Eisenberg Sasso's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    15 Books
  • First Book:
    July 1994
  • Latest Book:
    November 2024
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Book List in Order: 15 titles

  • Multicultural, nondenominational, nonsectarian. A modern fable for parents and children....

  • Nondenominational, Nonsectarian, Multicultural From award-winning author Sandy Eisenberg Sasso comes a new story to delight children and adults of all faiths and backgrounds. This is the magical, mythic...

  • After his grandfather died Isaiah was told that Grandpa had gone to heaven. Isaiah wondered exactly where and what heaven was. He became determined to find out, and sought answers from many different people. In this charming story, award-winning auth...

  • Multicultural, Nondenominational, Nonsectarian

    This simple, beautiful book will help you and your
    child explore spirituality together for the first time.

    Based on the award-winning picture book In God's Name.

    Much has been wr...

  • Multicultural, Nondenominational, Nonsectarian Endorsed by Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Religious Leaders“God was sad that the Prince and Princess had refused to see the answers to their ...

  • A Guide for Jewish and Christian Educators and Parents. Children speak about God in ways that are different from adults. they ask many questions about God, questions that can be starting direct. Oftentimes adults “parents, grandparents, and teacher...

  • Abuelita’s Secret Matzahs tells the fascinating and little-known story of the Cryptojews, while illustrating the universal importance of faith for people of all religious denominations. Jacobo loves to visit his abuelita, his grandmother, especiall...

  • Once there was a town called Chelm where there was no luck. If something could go wrong, it did. The roofs of the houses always leaked. The sidewalks were cracked. The gardens grew only weeds. Nothing was ever right. So begins best-selling children's...

  • A lesson in hope for every child who has worried about what comes next. Now a board book based on Adam & Eve's First Sunset!

    Adam and Eve were enjoying their first day on Earth when they noticed the sky growing darker, the sun drifting towar...

  • In a divided world, where the one who shouts the loudest often gets the most attention, a story about compromise and listening.

    "Standing UP!" "Lying DOWN!"

    What were the people to do? They decided to ask the rabbi of the town. "What a...

  • A lesson in hope and faith -- and learning that there are some things in life beyond our control -- for every child who has worried about what comes next.Adam and Eve's very first day in the Garden of Eden was perfect -- safe and unshadowed by worry,...

  • Words. There are long words and short words, nice words and mean words. There are silly words, scary words, and hard-to-spell words. There are so many words in our world! But where did they all come from?

    Award-winning children’s book aut...

  • Poor and: the word everyone takes for granted. So tiny, so common, so easily overlooked. Yet if it weren't for and, so much would fall apart! Who knew such a little word could make such a big difference?When an array of opinionated shapes just can't ...

  • Provide comforting reassurance for a child experiencing nighttime fears and anxieties. In this creative retelling of Psalm 23, a child imagines scary shadows chasing away her sleep and peace as she reaches out to God her Comforter. Gently and imagina...

  • What helps us get through hard times? What is the sound of hope? Follow Miriam as she leads the people through the Sea of Reeds. Moses carries a staff. But Miriam carries dancing shoes. Dancing shoes to cross a sea? Find out Miriam's secret and how s...

Award-Winning Books by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso

The Shema in the Mezuzah
2012 National Jewish Book Award -- Children's Illustrated

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Sandy Eisenberg Sasso has published 15 books.

Sandy Eisenberg Sasso does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Miriam's Dancing Shoes, was published in November 2024.

The first book by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, In God's Name, was published in July 1994.

No. Sandy Eisenberg Sasso does not write books in series.