Set in Malory's England during the Wars of the Roses, this acclaimed winner of a remarkable nine awards tells the true story of two star-crossed lovers Richard of Gloucester and Lady Anne Neville before they become King and Queen of England. A sti...
The sequel to the award-winning The Rose of York: Love & War Shakespeare claims Richard III murdered his nephews, the Princes in the Tower, for their throne, but Crown of Destiny tells a different, well-documented and dramatic story. Here is the relu...
Defying Shakespeare''s portrayal of Richard III, this well researched novel completes The Rose of York series—winner of a remarkable ten awards, including first place pre-publication prize in the 2003 Francis Ford Coppola-supported New Centu...
Sandra Worth is the prize-winning, internationally published author of six books chronicling the decline of the Plantagenets and rise of the Tudors. She holds a BA in Political Science and Economics from the University of Toronto. ...
During her short time as a ward in Queen Marguerite's Lancastrian court, fifteen-year-old Isobel has had many suitors ask for her hand, but the spirited beauty is blind to all but Yorkist Sir John Neville. It is nothing short of a miracle when the Qu...
SOME ARE DESTINED FOR GREATNESS, few more so than Elizabeth of York. Yet while she was the only English queen to have been a wife, daughter, sister, niece, and mother to English kings, the legacy of her noble spirit and love of country far outweigh h...
It is 1497. The news of the survival of Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York, has set royal houses ablaze with intrigue and rocked the fledgling Tudor dynasty. With the support of Scotland's King James IV, Richard-known to most of England as Perkin Warb...
This suspenseful and passionate historical set in the last days of Eastern Rome will have you racing through the pages to see what happens next! Constantinople 1453. It is David vs. Goliath: 150,000 enemy at the gates and only 5,000 men ...