Author Information
Ryder Windham's Latest Book

Newest Release

  • Bibliography:
    72 Books (3 Series)
  • First Book:
    September 1997
  • Latest Book:
    September 2025
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Full Series List in Order

LEGO Bionicle: Chapter Book

1 - Island of Lost Masks (Aug-2015)
2 - Revenge of the Skull Spiders (Jan-2016)
3 - Escape from the Underworld (Jul-2016)

Secret Missions

1 - Breakout Squad (Sep-2009)
2 - The Curse of the Black Hole Pirates (Jul-2010)
3 - Duel at Shattered Rock (Mar-2011)
4 - Guardians of the Chiss Key (Mar-2012)

Star Wars: Adventures in Hyperspace

Fire Ring Race (Jun-2010)
Shinbone Showdown (Jun-2010)

Multi-Author Series List

Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed: The Movie Novel (Oct-2016)


Island of Lost Masks (Aug-2015)
Revenge of the Skull Spiders (Jan-2016)
Escape from the Underworld (Jul-2016)

Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade Novelization (May-2008)
Indiana Jones and the Pyramid of the Sorcerer (May-2009)

LEGO Bionicle: Graphic Novel

1 - Gathering of the Toa (Jan-2016)

Star Wars

Assault On Yavin Four (Sep-1997)
Escape from Thyferra (Oct-1997)
Attack On Delrakkin (Nov-1997)
Destroy The Liquidator (Dec-1997)
Revolt of the Battle Droids (May-1998)
Showdown in Mos Eisley (Jun-1998)
Bounty Hunters Vs. Battle Droids (Jul-1998)
The Vactooine Disaster (Aug-1998)
Darth Vader's Return (Jan-1999)
Rogue Squadron To The Rescue (Feb-1999)
Bounty On Bonadan (Mar-1999)
Total Destruction (Apr-1999)
Star Wars Episode I Who's Who (May-1999)
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace: Movie Scrapbook (Jun-1999)
Search For The Lost Jedi (Sep-1999)
The Bartokk Assassins (Oct-1999)
The Fury of Darth Maul (Nov-1999)
Jedi Emergency (Dec-1999)
Aurra Sing - Dawn of the Bounty Hunters (Jan-2000)
Rescue in the Core (May-2000)
Festival of Warriors (Jun-2000)
Pirates From Beyond the Sea (Jul-2000)
The Bongo Rally (Aug-2000)
The Hostage Princess (2002)
Hunt the Sun Runner (Oct-2002)
Return of the Jedi (Aug-2004)
The Empire Strikes Back (Aug-2004)
Galactic Crisis! (Apr-2005)
Journey Through Space (Jun-2005)
Star Wars: the Ultimate Visual Guide (Sep-2005)
Star Wars I Want to Be a Jedi (Aug-2007)
Star Wars Blueprints (Aug-2008)
Star Wars Omnibus: Early Victories (Oct-2008)
The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi (Oct-2008)
A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker (Sep-2009)
Breakout Squad (Sep-2009)
Rise and Fall of Darth Vader (May-2010)
Fire Ring Race (Jun-2010)
Shinbone Showdown (Jun-2010)
The Curse of the Black Hole Pirates (Jul-2010)
Millennium Falcon (Sep-2010)
Duel at Shattered Rock (Mar-2011)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Strange Allies (Nov-2011)
The Wrath of Darth Maul (Jan-2012)
Guardians of the Chiss Key (Mar-2012)
Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded (May-2012)
Ezra's Gamble (Aug-2014)
Ultimate Star Wars (May-2015)
Star Wars Treasury (Nov-2015)
Star Wars Year by Year: A Visual Chronicle (Sep-2016)
Beyond the Armor (Oct-2017)
Star Wars: Tie Fighter: Owners' Workshop Manual (May-2019)
Star Wars: Rebel Starfighter: Owners' Workshop Manual (Nov-2019)

Star Wars Adventures

The Shape-Shifter Strikes ()
Hunt the Sun Runner (Oct-2002)

Star Wars Episode I: Adventures

1 - Search For The Lost Jedi (Sep-1999)
2 - The Bartokk Assassins (Oct-1999)
3 - The Fury of Darth Maul (Nov-1999)
4 - Jedi Emergency (Dec-1999)
9 - Rescue in the Core (May-2000)
10 - Festival of Warriors (Jun-2000)
11 - Pirates From Beyond the Sea (Jul-2000)
12 - The Bongo Rally (Aug-2000)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Strange Allies (Nov-2011)

Star Wars: Missions

1 - Assault On Yavin Four (Sep-1997)
2 - Escape from Thyferra (Oct-1997)
3 - Attack On Delrakkin (Nov-1997)
4 - Destroy The Liquidator (Dec-1997)
9 - Revolt of the Battle Droids (May-1998)
10 - Showdown in Mos Eisley (Jun-1998)
11 - Bounty Hunters Vs. Battle Droids (Jul-1998)
12 - The Vactooine Disaster (Aug-1998)
17 - Darth Vader's Return (Jan-1999)
18 - Rogue Squadron To The Rescue (Feb-1999)
19 - Bounty On Bonadan (Mar-1999)
20 - Total Destruction (Apr-1999)

Star Wars: Rebels

Ezra's Gamble (Aug-2014)


Switching Gears (Nov-2011)

Transformers: Classified

1 - Switching Gears (Nov-2011)

Book List in Order: 72 titles

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Ryder Windham has published 72 books.

The next book by Ryder Windham, Chaos in Witwicky!, will be published in September 2025.

The first book by Ryder Windham, Assault On Yavin Four, was published in September 1997.

Yes. Ryder Windham has 3 series.