The small town of Rockport holds the secret of "Arresting Time," the ability to make time stand still for everyone but the holder of this gift. Paul Garrett, a troubled 17-year-old student, becomes the first successful partial brain transplant recipi...
Paul Garrett, a troubled 17-year-old student, becomes the first successful partial brain transplant recipient and discovers that Arresting Time as well as other new mental capabilities result from his surgery....
While pregnant, their mothers all drank from the same stream. Fourteen years later, the offspring have begun to exhibit extraordinary powers of the mind. With varying success, these teens kept their powers a secret until the Company responsible for t...
What would you do if you could enter a dimension of time that exists between the nanoseconds of our life? Paul Garrett is faced with that question when he receives a radical brain surgery that wakes him from a coma. He discovers that he has the gift ...
At the age of seventeen, Paul Garrett began to time travel. He unraveled a struggle between good and evil that pitted a demonic spirit of desolation against an angelic being of light. Paul got caught in the middle, and the evil Abomination made this ...
All is not boding well for Paul Garrett, a chivalrous teen who can stop time. He has used this gift to help the weak and oppressed, and he is a source of inspiration for the Garrett family, but they know nothing of his scandalous origins until a manu...
At the age of seventeen, Paul Garrett can stop time, read minds, and time travel. At the bidding of his fiancé, he becomes The Phoenix, a time-traveling white knight. He saves lives, but at a significant cost to himself. Using humor as he traver...
The chivalrous time traveler, Paul Garrett, uses cheesy humor and a deep capacity to love others as he continues to fight evil men, wicked politicians, and stand for what he believes is right. He also desires to marry the beautiful overachiever named...