In the tradition of Gone with the Wind, Cold Mountain, and Lonesome Dove, Song of the Red Sparrow presents the first installment of a sweeping historical epic that moves from Maryland at the time of the Civil War to a small, isolated Texas town. In...
So much has happened in the twenty years following the Civil War, the most shocking event to stun the country to date. As a young nation fights for survival and identity, its citizens seek their own purpose and understanding. In Prairie Gulch, a hidd...
Prairie Gulch, Texas, is a rough-and-tumble town tucked away on the fringes of the civilized world; the Civil War has had its effect here, though, in spite of the town's isolation. It has been twenty years since the war ended, and yet people still re...
Prairie Gulch, Texas, is a rough-and-tumble town tucked away on the fringes of the civilized world; the Civil War has had its effect here, though, in spite of the town's isolation. It has been twenty years since the war ended, and yet people still re...