Voices From Appalachia is a collection of Roger Osborne's favorite stories, poems and letters, which he has published during the past 10 years in his newsletter and books. One reader summed up how most readers feel about his writings when she wrote: ...
'Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.' Churchill had more reason than most to rue the power of democracy, having been thrown out of office after leading Britain to vic...
The stellar freighter Newport finds itself at grave risk by the appearance of a Secondary, the by-product of a black hole, which can be ejected into stellar space or migrate within the spiral arms of the entire galaxy. Virtually undetectable, indestr...
They say that life starts again at 40. For me, it has been.After a toxic relationship, which lasted more than twenty years, I started from scratch, changing place, work, and habits. Now I am a completely different person. But I still feel the need to...