Old City Hall opens with a bang, or perhaps a stab: Canada's leading radio show host, Kevin Brace, comes to the door of his luxury condominium with his hands covered in blood and tells the newspaper delivery man: "I killed her." The "her" in question...
With The Guilty Plea, a gripping sequel to the international bestseller Old City Hall, Robert Rotenberg has delivered another sharp, suspenseful legal thriller with an explosive conclusion. On the morning his high-profile divorce trial is set to ...
In Stray Bullets, Rotenberg takes the reader to a snowy November evening. Outside a busy downtown doughnut shop, gunshots ring out and a young boy is critically hurt. Soon Detective Ari Greene is on scene. How many shots were fired? How many guns? Ho...
“Detective Greene, you are under arrest for the murder of . . .” Bestselling author Robert Rotenberg is back with his most shocking book yet, featuring Detective Ari Greene in the fight of his life. It’s just after Labour Day and the city...
In the latest thrilling crime novel from bestselling author Robert Rotenberg, Homicide Detective Ari Greene discovers the bludgeoned body of Toronto’s most reviled developer behind his controversial new construction site. When Detective Ari Gree...
A Toronto homicide detective is attacked at his doorstep when his investigation into possible links between the Nazi occupation of Italy and the murder of his brother decades later gets too close to the truth -- in the new crime thriller from bestsel...
For fans of Lee Child and Brad Thor, an unstoppable thriller set in 1988 when -- a mere 100 hours before world leaders gather for the G7 summit -- police get a hot tip that an assassin is on the way.It’s a long-shot mission. No one thinks much of t...