An Orwellian dystopia in the guise of a fast-paced thriller, this is a coolly satirical novel laced with humour, suspense and intrigue.Welcome to Brighton, a city ruled by a combination of patronage and armed force. The departments have kept their ol...
When fate isn't in the stars, but in the wrong hands. Patrick Farrell's life is complex, but under control. His work takes him through the streets of South London, repossessing credit cards and searching for missing debtors. And in the evenin...
THE FUTURE HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. It is expected to be an excursion like any other. There is nothing in the records to indicate that anything out of the ordinary will happen. A bus will take them to the mall. They will have an hour or so to look...
Pete Ward is working at Dodge Truck in Warren, Michigan in1977. He becomes friends with his union steward Jessie Jones. He is a Vietnam Veteran and decides to attend Wayne State University. He wants to become a journalist.Barney a Ukrainian migrant w...