One of Japan’s hottest children’s television programs, Hamtaro made its U.S. debut on the Cartoon Network in June 2002 and the Hamtaro Pop-Up Playset is the perfect complement to the animated series. Based on the lively exploits of Laura, Hamtaro...
Laura's pet hamster, Hamtaro, whose endless curiosity makes every event a grand adventure for both himself and his friends, thinks he sees a cat, but as the story and pages unfold, it turns out to be everything but a scary cat....
This second 8x8 in the Hamtaro series gives fans a wonderful story of encouragement as the Ham-Hams convince Bijou to leave her cage.
Based on the 4th TV episode entitled, "Come out, Bijou," in which the Ham-Hams encourage a reluctant Bijou to...
The perfect introduction to Hamtaro the character and three of his key Ham-Ham friends.
Based on the 1st TV episode entitled, "Hamtaro," in which Hamtaro explores his new house and neighborhood and meets three of the Ham-Hams, Oxnard, Boss, an...
A back-to-school title featuring the popular Hamtaro and his friends, the Ham-Hams.
Based on the 9th TV episode of the same name, in which the Ham-Hams start their own school in their clubhouse....
Fans can ham it up with the Ham-Hams as they prepare for a festival talent show.
Based on the 13th TV episode entitled, "Let's Dance, Sandy," in which the Ham-Hams rehearse for the Sunflower Seed Harvest Festival Talent Show....