An exciting journey seen through the eyes of the Algonquin people.This book paints a vivid picture of the original peoples of North America before the arrival of Europeans. The novel follows the story of Mahingan and his family as they live the tradi...
Years after a devastating battle, Mahingan and his tribe struggle to recover a lost loved one.
Six years earlier in the fourteenth century, Mahingan and his tribe fought the Battle of the Falls against the Haudenosaunee. There were many lo...
Anokì and his sister Pangì Mahingan have grown up, and now face a decision that will change their lives forever.
Twelve years after Mahingan was wounded battling for his life against the Haudenosaunee warrior known as à -- :nenhste Erhar...
Algonquin Legacy is the final novel in the series, which began nearly ten years ago with I Am Algonquin (2013), followed by Algonquin Spring (2015), and Algonquin Sunset (2017): published by Dundurn Press. The series takes place in the early 1300s on...