In a world shaped by the scattered remains of a giant civilization live communities of six-inch tall human beings. Blackmailed by the sinister Spetch twins, Jewel and Thorn must journey across land and water to retrieve the mysterious brass key. Unti...
On his sixteenth birthday, Thorn Jack steals a curious crystal from the Treasury of a neighbouring settlement in his coming of age rite-of-passage. Returning home, he finds that his younger sister has been kidnapped. He sets out to find her with Rack...
Desperate to stop the wicked Querne Rasp from collecting the final crystal she needs to complete her collection, Jewel and Thorn find themselves drawn deep into the inner workings of an ancient and sinister church. Along the way they fight ice spider...
This book is a story of a boy born under less than ideal circumstances and not knowing why his childhood was so turbulent until the family secret was finally exposed when he turned 21. From that point on, his attitude on life was forever changed. H...