Strap on the goggles and hop aboard a fighter plane, as you're off to the skies as a fighter pilot during World War I! Your mission is to discover the identity of the British pilot who shot down Germany's infamous Red Baron. The Time Machine series c...
DEATH ON THE PRAIRIE is a modern mystery set in Iowa. Glen Gleason, lapsed screenwriter, has come back to his college town to retire. But when the locals find out that he wrote police procedurals for television, they decide to run him for county sher...
When the body of an Armani-suited wiseguy drops from the sky into Cornflower County, it sets in motion an investigation that pulls Sheriff Gleason into a mob conflagration. From a simulated war in Florida, to murder and revenge in Iowa, crime will ta...
Roy Felker is with the National Security Agency. Pascia Tepec is a cop who works with dead people. It’s only natural that romance would blossom while they’re fighting to stop Los Angeles from being engulfed by the army of murderous, self-replicat...
Who are the Zoonauts? David Simons created the Zoonauts who are based on some famous zoo animals and other animals that went into space with the international space programs. These Zoonauts have extraordinary talents and powers. Their travels take th...
For the first time in a beautiful new edition, this omnibus will collect together the original official novelizations of both Ghostbusters 1 and 2.Relive the classic Ghostbusters stories with the original movie novelizations reprinted for the first t...
In the far future, after the atomic fires have scoured the land, two civilizations rise. One, based on steam trains and regimentation, is trying to reclaim the land and push back the forest barbarians. The barbarians, People of the Horse, want to be ...
1930. It was a different time.Men wore hats. Airplanes had propellers, and the ultimate weapon was the battleship. But when a woman from hired guns crosses paths with a man trying to evade japanese secret service agents, a new level of espionage and ...