Sam Wiseman runs an independent bookstore near McGill University in the heart of Montreal. His existence is untroubled and his relationships are steady - until the day he stops a shoplifter. Out of this seemingly innocent incident, Sam becomes fri...
This absurdist comedy is set in a fictional penal colony, Old & New Bridgeford, in early 19th-century Australia. The use of boisterous language and over-the-top characters present history through a wickedly satirical lens.
Heroes of China’s Great Leap Forward presents contrasting narratives of the most ambitious and disastrous mass movement in modern Chinese history. The objective of the Great Leap, when it was launched in the late 1950s, was to catapult Chi...
Who says lawyers have all the fun? Robert Scroyle C.A., is the senior partner at Scroyle, Caitiff, Rudisbe and Spavin. He is married, has a girlfriend or two and is no stranger to a shady tax strategy that's just this side of legal. Now life is about...
A collection of short stories and poetry from Richard King's earlier work, the stories draw on the politics of a futuristic Britain, the individual world view of a besotted artist, the manipulator of a lottery, and lovers falling apart over langu...
This book is an accounting of the reconnoiterings of 'The Wanderin Man', a fictional character one might consider to be the alter ego of the author. He hasn't owned an automobile in years. His only mode of transportation is a magnificently maintain...
Phil Connolly's first love, Jess, wakes from a coma with no memory of their separation. The troubled estate agent reluctantly finds himself creating a façade of their previous life together as Jess' family try to protect her and return her world to...
Set in the Adirondack Mountains of up-state New York following WWII, the story focuses on the family and life of James Coulbron from adolescence to young adulthood. He is the fourth generation Coulbron to inhabit the area. Despite having been moleste...
Part of a new cosy-crime series set in an independent bookshopSam Wiseman is back to investigate murder and mystery in Montreal! For fans of Agatha Christie and M.C. Beaton, A Brush With Death is the second book in The Bookshop Mysteries series. When...
Murder, mystery and books. For fans of Agatha Christie and M.C.Beaton, The Book Review of Death is the final book in The Bookshop Mysteries, a captivating cosy crime series by Richard King. If there's a mystery to solve in Montreal, Sam Wiseman will ...
A Death at the University is the first book in a new cosy-crime series set in an independent bookshopMurder, mystery and books. For fans of Agatha Christie and M.C.Beaton, A Death at the University is the first book in a new murder mystery series. Sa...
A series of murders in Montreal park near the Gursky Memorial Hospital have Nurse Annie Linton and Detective Gilles Bellechasse hopping. Suspects include a vigilante group fighting drug dealers, a jealous husband, competing drug dealers, and a myster...
In the late summer of 1978, Allen Ginsberg and Arthur Russell left the building they shared in New York City to spend a week together in the Catskill Mountains. The rest of this story is a work of fiction....
Michaela (Mickie) Bédard works at the Stevens, Bédard Investment Bank, a bank founded by her great grandfather. She is working on an Initial Public Offering for a technology company. Walking home one evening she suffers a severe asthma attack and h...
In Serving Life, a mysterious doctor is wandering the halls of the Emergency Department of the Gursky Memorial Hospital, providing medication to patients suffering from dementia. Annie is suspicious of his motives and is determined to identify the ma...
Richard King Huskinson, who also wrote under the pseudonym Richard King, was the author of: The Book of Fair Women (with E. O. Hoppe) (1921), Over the Fireside with Silent Friends (1921), At the Close of Day (1929), Soul's Dark Cottage (1930), With S...