Darkness Grows in the Empire...
Naseru, known as "The Anvil," will stop at nothing to sit upon the Throne of Rokugan. When dark forces rise in the City of Night, he must act swiftly. To save his beloved Empire, Naseru must learn to wield the most ...
For years, rumors have spoken of Ashrem's Legacy, a device beyond imagination. Some say it was a weapon, some a portal to other worlds. But in Cyre, on the Day of Mourning, Ashrem and his Legacy vanished in the destruction.
Now a young thief on th...
Ashrem's Legacy.
Some say it was a super weapon, some a portal to other worlds. Whatever the truth, all know that the Legacy disappeared on the Day of Mourning. But now Ashrem's heirs have unearthed clues to the Legacy's whereabouts, and the hunt is...
To win a battle, a man must be prepared to sacrifice his life.
To win peace, a man must be prepared to sacrifice much more.
-- Ashrem d'Cannith
Ashrem's Legacy . . . a powerful relic of the Last War lost for ages. Now it is found. But will ...