The first volume of The Year's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy features over a quarter million words of fiction by some of the genre's greatest authors, including Peter S. Beagle, Elizabeth Bear, Jay Lake, Ian McDonald, Sarah Monette, Garth Nix, Nao...
Even before Karel Capek coined the term robot, the idea of mechanical people fascinated us: they wanted to play one, to use their ingenuity to create in their own image. While the actual robotics achievements have been stunning, the literary robots a...
Conflict: a basic human instinct, helping humankind evolve even while threatening the very existence of the species . . . an instinct that will be as much a part of the future as it is now and always has been. For all the glories of war -- the defe...
Modern gods and goddesses, remote, revered -- and like the pantheon of heroes and heroines of ancient myth -- possessing great power tempered with flaws. Now, find within this anthology great tales by gifted and award-winning authors who move superhe...
More than five-hundred pages, over one-quarter of a million words . . . Space Opera spans a vast range of epic interstellar adventure stories told against a limitless cosmos filled with exotic aliens, heroic characters, and incredible settings. A tru...
This sixth volume of the year's best science fiction and fantasy features over thirty stories by some of the genre's greatest authors, including Yoon Ha Lee, James Patrick Kelly, Ken Liu, Robert Reed, Lavie Tidhar, Carrie Vaughn, and many others. Sel...
This seventh volume of the year's best science fiction and fantasy features over thirty stories by some of the genre's greatest authors, including Elizabeth Bear, Paul Cornell, Cory Doctorow, James Patri...
This eighth volume of the year’s best science fiction and fantasy features over thirty stories by some of the genre’s greatest authors, including John Barnes, Elizabeth Bear, C.C. Finlay, Yoon Ha Lee, Kelly Link, Ian McDonald, Seanan McGuire, Von...
This ninth volume of the year's best science fiction and fantasy features thirty stories by some of the genre's greatest authors, including Charlie Jane Anders, Steven Barnes, Seth Dickinson, Kameron Hurley, Rich Larson, Ian R. MacLeod, Paul McAul...
This ninth volume of the year’s best science fiction and fantasy features thirty stories by some of the genre’s greatest authors, including Charlie Jane Anders, Steven Barnes, Seth Dickinson, Kameron Hurley, Rich Larson, Ian R. MacLeod, Paul McAu...
This eleventh volume of the year’s best science fiction and fantasy features thirty stories by some of the genre’s greatest authors. With selections of the best fiction from Asimov’s, Clarkesworld, F&SF, Lightspeed, and other top venues, The Ye...
This twelfth volume of the year''s best science fiction and fantasy features thirty stories by some of the genre''s greatest authors. With selections of the best fiction from Asimov''s, Clarkesworld, F&SF, Lightspeed, and other top venues, The Year''...