Mad, impossible world! Sun-blasted by day, cold-wracked by night -- and life condensed by radiation into eight days! Sim eyed the Ship -- if he only dared reach it and escape! ... but it was more than half an hour distant -- the limit of life itself!...
Leaving behind a world on the brink of destruction, man came to the Red Planet and found the Martians waiting, dreamlike. Seeking the promise of a new beginning, man brought with him his oldest fears and his deepest desires. Man conquered Mars--and i...
At the furthest limits of the imagination, in worlds upon worlds of time and space, and on the green hills of future earth, these are tales to set you shivering, gasping, gaping with terror and with wonder......
THEY'VE SEEN THE FUTURE -- AND IT DOESN'T LOOK GOOD.... What's going to happen when the world ends? Here are 14 humorous, poignant, eerie, and altogether too possible views of what things will be like when: • Walking for pleasure and exercise b...
Guy Montag was a fireman whose job it was to start fires... The system was simple. Everyone understood it. Books were for burning ... along with the houses in which they were hidden. Guy Montag enjoyed his job. He had been a fireman for ten years, ...
Ray Bradbury's moving recollection of a vanished golden era remains one of his most enchanting novels. Dandelion Wine stands out in the Bradbury literary canon as the author's most deeply personal work, a semi-autobiographical recollection of a magic...
Ray Bradbury is a painter who uses words rather than brushes--for he created lasting visual images that, once observed, are impossible to forget. Sinister mushrooms growing in a dank cellar. A family's first glimpse at Martians. A wonderful white van...
What if someone knew your secret dream, that one great wish you would give anything for? And what if that person suddenly makes your dream come true -- before you learn the price you have to pay.... It is the story of two boys who encounter the si...
The mind of Ray Bradbury is a wonder-filled carnival of delight and terror that stretches from the verdant Irish countryside to the coldest reaches of outer space. Yet all his work is united by one common thread: a vivid and profound understanding of...
Welcome to a land Ray Bradbury calls "the Undiscovered Country" of his imagination--that vast territory of ideas, concepts, notions and conceits where the stories you now hold were born. America's premier living author of short fiction, Bradbury has ...
The Vampire Archives is the scariest, hungriest, undeadliest collection of vampire stories ever assembled. Dark, stormy, and delicious, once you're in its clutches there's no escape. From the first to last bite, it's a bloody good read. Featuring:...
Make storytime a little spookier with fantasy master Ray Bradbury as he takes readers on a riveting trip though space and time to discover the true origins of Halloween. Join the shadowy Carapace Clavicle Moundshroud as he takes eight trick-or-...
Ray Bradbury is a modern cultural treasure. His disarming simplicity of style underlies a towering body of work unmatched in metaphorical power by any other American storyteller. And here, presented in a new trade edition, are thirty-two of his most ...
An extensive collection of imaginative short stories by a National Medal of the Artsâ€"winning author of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and suspense.Fly to Mars and explore the mysteries of the red planet. Journey through time to futures ruled by ...
A crazy scheme to bring peace to the world with the aid of rust. A martian who could be Jesus. An author, plucked from his grave, is thwarted by one Melissa Toad, the mysterious witch of New York. This is a collection of tales which demolish the old ...
Ray Bradbury, the undisputed Dean of American storytelling, dips his accomplished pen into the cryptic inkwell of noir and creates a stylish and slightly fantastical tale of mayhem and murder set among the shadows and the murky canals of Venice, Cali...
From “one of science fiction’s grand masters” (Library Journal), a new reissue of Ray Bradbury’s The Toynbee Convector: a collection of twenty-two stories, including the continuing saga of H.G. Well’s time traveler and his Toynbee Convector...
Selected from his bestselling collections The Golden Apples Of The Sun and R Is For Rocket, here are thirty-two superb stories from one of the master fantastics of our age -- the inimitable Ray Bradbury.
A spaceship captain determined to ga...
Halloween Night, 1954. A young, film-obsessed scriptwriter has just been hired at one of the great studios. An anonymous investigation leads from the giant Maximus Films backlot to an eerie graveyard separated from the studio by a single wall. The...
In 1953, the brilliant but terrifying titan of cinema John Huston summons the young writer Ray Bradbury to Ireland. The apprehensive scribe's quest is to capture on paper the fiercest of all literary beasts -- Moby Dick -- in the form of a workable s...
With his disarmingly simple style and complex imagination, Ray Bradbury has seized the minds of American readers for decades.This collection showcases thirty-two of Bradbury's most famous tales in which he lays bare the depths of the human soul. The ...
The internationally acclaimed author of The Martian Chronicles, The Illustrated Man, and Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury is a magician at the height of his powers, displaying his sorcerer's skill with twenty-one remarkable stories that run the gamut fro...
The incomparable Ray Bradbury is in the driver's seat, off on twenty-one unforgettable excursions through fantasy, time and memory, and there are surprises waiting around every curve and behind each mile marker. The journey promises to be a memorable...
In Kaleidoscope, their ship is smashed to pieces and now seven survivors are careening unprotected through a meteor swarm. In There Was an Old Woman, she didn't recognize the man in black and he caught her. Can she get her body back before it's too l...
In the stories of Ray Bradbury, readers have journeyed beyond the boundaries set by their imaginations, and have reveled in fantastic realms created by "one of the world's outstanding storytellers" (Toronto Globe & Mail). Now this prolific writer ...
The author of Fahrenehit 451 and The Martian Chronicles, offers a personal selection of his best stories, featuring “Dandelion Wine,” “The Illustrated Man,” "The Veldt," “The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit,” and twenty other classics.
They have lived for centuries in a house of legend and mystery in upper Illinois -- and they are not like other Midwesterners. Rarely encountered in daylight hours, some of them have survived since before the Sphinx first sank its paws deep in Egypti...
From the author of Fahrenheit 451, a unique collection of poetry, short stories, and essays that tackles mortality, religion, and the afterlife. Thought-provoking, full of wonder, and with a touch of Ray Bradbury’s signature sense of humor, this co...
From Ray Bradbury, the recipient of the National Book Foundation's 2000 Medal comes a magical collection of short fiction.Ray Bradbury is one of the most celebrated fiction writers of the 20th century. He is the author of such classics as Fahrenheit ...
On a dismal evening, an unnamed writer in Venice, California, answers a furious pounding at his beachfront bungalow door -- and once again admits a dangerous icon into his life. Constance Rattigan, an aging, once-glamorous Hollywood star, stands soak...
Dinosaur Tales is a Magnificent Collection of Famous Tales by RAY BRADBURY, One of America's Best-Loved and Best-Selling Authors. In This Elegantly Designed and Illustrated Book, Bradbury Presents All of His Dinosaur Stories in One Volume! "I have an...
Gauntlet Press is thrilled to announce our upcoming publication of Ray Bradbury's four screen treatments for IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE.
Released in 1953, It Came From Outer Space was one of the first 3-D films made. Rumors about Bradbury's particip...
Ray Bradbury is, indisputably, one of America's greatest storytellers. The recipient of the 2000 National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters, he ranks among the most beloved -- and widely read -- of American auth...
From bestselling writer Ray Bradbury and beloved author-illustrator duo Leo and Diane Dillon comes a unique, dreamy perspective on overcoming a fear of the dark.
A lonely little boy who is scared of the dark sits in his room alone, with only l...
For more than sixty years, the imagination of Ray Bradbury has opened doors into remarkable places, ushering us across unexplored territories of the heart and mind while leading us inexorably toward a profound understanding of ourselves and the unive...
In a summer that refuses to end, in the deceiving warmth of earliest October, civil war has come to Green Town, Illinois. It is the age-old conflict: the young against the elderly, for control of the clock that ticks their lives ever forward. The fir...
Green Town, Illinois stands at the very heart of Ray Bradbury Country. A lovingly re-imagined version of the author's native Waukegan, it has served as the setting for such modern classics as Dandelion Wine, Something Wicked This Way Comes, and Farew...
Ray Bradbury's first poetry collection to be published outside the U.S. First published by Salmon in 2002, this 2008 edition is updated with additional poems. This volume is a gift to generations who have read and loved his remarkable...
Bullet Trick, by Ray Bradbury is a signed limited edition of never-before published material. It contains five teleplays (original stories that were not based on previously written stories), written by Ray Bradbury, that appeared on TV from 1955 thro...
In 1949, a struggling writer--a man very much like the young Ray Bradbury--boards a late night trolley in Venice, California and hears a disembodied voice murmur the words: 'Death is a lonely business.' Shortly afterward, that same young man discover...
In the past, collections of Bradbury’s works have juxtaposed stories with no indication as to the different time periods in which they were written. Even the mid- and late-career collections that Bradbury himself compiled contained stories that ...
Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451 is an enduring masterwork of twentieth-century American literature -- a chilling vision of a dystopian future built on the foundations of ignorance, censorship, and brutal repression. The origins and evolution of B...
Imagine having the power to see briefly into the future, or being able to kill someone through a magic candle. Imagine someone playing war like a childhood game and winning, or going to Mars and yet seeing Earth and people from one’s memory. These...
This Ray Bradbury collection is comprised of nine early short stories rarely or never reprinted since first publication. Included are three stories originally published in Mr. Bradbury's own science fiction fanzine, Futuria Fantasia."Don't Get Techna...
Born into a world with only seven days to live, Sim faces the same choice everyone does: how will he spend them? Is there something greater to hope for? ...
"The Playground" was part of the first hardcover edition of Ray Bradbury's legendary work "Fahrenheit 451," published in 1953. In the story, Charles Underhill is a widower who will do anything to protect his young son Jim from the horrors of the p...
“It’s an art book... photos are great, they really show the quality of the work... and you got Ray Bradbury. This will be a collectible for sure, definitely a book to have in every collection...” —Paul Booth All of Me Is Illu...
Collected here in this massive 100 story anthology e-book are more than 300,000 words of world-class science fiction, fantasy, and horror by some of the greatest writers the field has ever known. Hours and hours of reading enjoyment await! Jackie See...
Celebrating Ray Bradbury's centennial, a deluxe illustrated commemorative collection of his finest crime stories -- tales as strange and wonderful as his signature fantasy.Time travelers...dark automata...and detectives? Honoring t...
The Morgue Ship had gleaned information from space that would end the three hundred year war, knowledge that would defeat the aggressor Martians -- if Brandon could carry it to Earth....
Two men search an asteroid for a den of space pirates; one is a huge hulking Irish space cop who says stuff like "Me father taught me; keep laughing and you'll have Irish luck," and the other is a cameraman obsessed with movie making--when he fears h...
This was Burnett's last trip. Three more shelves to fill with space-slain warriors -- and he would be among the living again.Ray Bradbury's classic science fiction story was first published in Planet Stories, a famous pulp fiction magazine, in the Su...
Avoid Planetoid 787. Lush and sunny, with fine air and no dangerous beasts, it'll tempt you to curve in for some nice solid-ground sleep. DON'T!...
Halloway stared down at Earth, and his brain tore loose and screamed, Man, man, how'd you get in a mess like this, in a rocket a million miles past the moon, shooting for Mars and danger and terror and maybe death....
Collected here are thirteen exciting stories by one of science fiction and fantasy’s all time greats! Winner of the World Fantasy, Bram Stoker, Emmy, and Hugo awards. More than 250 pages of reading enjoyment. The Monster Maker Morgue Ship Lazarus ...
They hated this little beat-up old guy. Even if his crazy cosmic brain could track a meteor clear across the Galaxy, why did he have to smash the super-sensitive detectors?...
She'd paid good money to see the inevitable ... and then had to work to make it happen!...
The first great rocket flight into space, bearing intrepid pioneers to the Moon. The world's ecstasy flared into red mob-hate when President Stanley canceled the flight. How did he get that way?...
Charles Crossley, President of American Jet-Propelled Ships, had a crazy plan to save the world. And it involved starting his own private war, using three thousand of his airships. And so he set out with his fleet despite the President's threats,...
Over 50 years out of print the October release of DARK CARNIVAL by RAY BRADBURY will be the literary event of the year for Bradbury fans. After many years Ray Bradbury has agreed to allow this classic to be published in a LIMITED edition, with bonus ...
Illustrated classics for adults Here, Collins Design's WISP series pairs two legendary creators writer Ray Bradbury and artist Dave McKean to create an irresistible package perfect for Halloween and all year 'round.
The WISP series (Wonderfully...
The graveyard was cold and empty. All of the stones had been ripped up and piled like so many flat bricks, one atop another, in the far corner by the wrought iron fence. This had been going on for two endless weeks. In his deep secret coffin he had h...
He did not want to be the father of a small blue pyramid. Peter Horn hadn’t planned it that way at all. Neither he nor his wife imagined that such a thing could happen to them. They had talked quietly for days about the birth of their coming child,...