A mysterious traveler intervenes in an epic holy war in this “impressive, challenging debut” of the critically acclaimed fantasy epic (Publishers Weekly, starred review).The first book in R. Scott Bakker's Prince of Nothing series introduces read...
As a vast Holy War begins, a powerful new force emerges in the second book of this “violent, passionate, darkly poetic” fantasy series (SFSite.com). The first battle against the heathen has been won, but while the Great Names squabble over the sp...
The Darkness That Comes Before, R. Scott Bakker's magnificent debut, drew thunderous acclaim from reviewers and fellow fantasy authors. Readers were invited into a darkly threatening, thrillingly imaginative universe as fully realized as that of any ...
A score of years after he first walked into the histories of Men, Anasurimbor Kellhus rules all the Three Seas, the first true Aspect-Emperor in a thousand years. The masses worship him as a living god, though a few dare to claim that he's a walking ...
"And you wonder why I'm cynical. I've literally 'seen it all before'. The truth is we all have every single one of us past the age of say, twenty-five. The only difference is that I remember." No matter how hard he drinks, gambles, or womanizes, Dis...
Praised by fans and critics worldwide, R. Scott Bakker has become one of the most celebrated voices in fantasy literature. Now he returns with the long-awaited The White-Luck Warrior -- the chilling second book in the epic Aspect-Emperor series. As ...
“What is the meaning of a deluded life?” So begins Light, Time, and Gravity, a novel told from the perspective of a suicidal English professor, recalling his experiences as a seventeen-year-old working on a Southwestern Ontario tobacco farm in th...
Praised by fans and critics worldwide, R. Scott Bakker has become one of the most celebrated voices in fantasy literature. With "The Great Ordeal," Bakker presents the penultimate volume of The Aspect-Emperor, a series that stands with the finest in ...
Experience your favourite fantasy worlds in this 2017 r/fantasy Stabby Award winning anthology, featuring some of the most fearsome, devious, and brutal antagonists in fantasy. Villains take centre stage in nineteen dark and magical stories that ...
In this shattering conclusion to The Aspect-Emperor books, praised for their sweeping epic scale and detailed historical world building (Grimdark Magazine), R. Scott Bakker delivers the series feverishly harrowing and long-awaited finish. The Men ...