Ring O Roses is a collection of nursery rhymes and lullabies selected to appeal to young children. With one fun rhyme per page and many illustrations, this book lends itself well to being read aloud.
...Exquisitely designed with gold and silver title finishes, this classic treasury is a perfect gift. Featuring an extensive collection of favorite nursery rhymes told in an engaging, child-friendly manner with beautiful illustrations, this treasury is ...
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep And doesn't know where to find them. You may think you know the story of Little Bo Peep and how she lost her sheep - but think again! Priscilla Lamont and the sheep relate what really happened that day on the farm...
Tom, Tom the Piper's sonStole a pig and away he run…Find out the real reason why Tom took the pig away from the farm, and see what really happened to the pig afterwards in this charming and funny subversion of a well-known nursery rhyme - with a ha...
The Pigwigs live happily in Hodge Podge Lodge, making lots and lots of mess. But they never think about where their rubbish goes... until their neighbours decide enough is enough. Can Little Miss Pigwig''s nifty new idea help solve the problem of al...