The enigmatic Séraphin Monge, having avenged the grisly massacre of his family, has disappeared. His brief sojourn in the village of his birth has touched the lives of its inhabitants, and he is mourned by the women who claim to have been in love wi...
Banon is a small village in Provence, where the local community's principal source of income comes from the cultivation and sale of truffles. Outsiders rarely venture to this remote region, but a small group of society's dropouts have chosen to set u...
An atmospheric thriller set, like all Magnan's work, in Provence, and featuring his engaging detective, Commissaire Laviolette. Tautly plotted and brimming with suspense, Magnan’s fifth novel to be translated into English is a story of dark vengean...
From one of Frances's leading crime writers, whose "The Messengers of Death "was named by "Publishers Weekly "as one of their 10 Best Mysteries of 2008, comes this exceptional classic mystery. At the turn of the century in Upper Provence, a family...