A smart and entertaining crime series debut set in the underbelly of Los Angeles, with a cast of characters that runs the gamut from saints to sinners. In the City of Angels, not everyone plays by the rules. When people need a problem fixed fast, ...
Dick Henry is the Shortcut Man, assisting people with their sticky situations in the belief that the shortest answer to many problems may not always be legal. In Tribulations of the Shortcut Man, he reluctantly provides assistance to an old girlfrien...
The latest novel in the acclaimed Shortcut Man series is a rousing tale of sex, sleaze, and salvation in the City of Angels. Our hero Dick Henry--aka the Shortcut Man--becomes involved in a case featuring an aging but still amorous Los Angeles mov...
When the legal system has disappointed, humbled, and humiliated you, there is still one arrow in your quiver. Call the Shortcut Man. Dick Henry, the Shortcut Man, is a purveyor of unlicensed, unofficial, and unauthorized justice. In Ipso Fatso, Dick ...
Linden Thackeray is rich and famous.Michael Quick is not rich and not famous.Set in Hollywood, in the present, our two protagonists separately mine the depths of woe and the heights of happiness. In the end, they solve the ultimate riddle of the univ...
Five days before Christmas, in wintry Chicago, Harry T. Lang loses everything. First, his job, then his wife. Suddenly adrift, Harry takes a job delivering a new, plushly appointed Scenicruiser bus to its new owner, celebrated televangelist Parnassus...
At The Monarch is the story of Bobby Stone and his sudden acquisition of fortune. Bobby lives at the Monarch, a 12-unit apartment building in North Hollywood. Bobby is a painter, currently working as a laborer. One day, harvesting the hardwood floors...
Michael Chance teaches high school literature to the unwilling and uncaring. But in his chest beats the heart of a writer. That summer, on his vacation, he has promised himself he will complete the Great American Novel. Michael and wife Alison journe...