Seattle, with its spectacular natural beauty and rough frontier history, has inspired writers from its earliest days. This anthology spans seven decades and includes fiction, memoirs, histories, and journalism that define the city or use it as a sett...
PETER DONAHUE’S DEBUT NOVEL MADISON HOUSE, which won the Langum Prize for Historical Fiction 2005, chronicles turn-of-the-century Seattle’s explosive transformation from frontier outpost to major metropolis. Maddie Ingram, owner of Madison House,...
CLARA AND MERRITT, by the author of MADISON HOUSE, winner of The Langum Prize for American Historical Fiction, unfolds amidst the violent strife between longshoremen and Teamsters in Seattle in the 1930s and '40s--and extends author Peter Donahue's r...
In Three Sides Water, award-winning author Peter Donahue portrays the lives of three young people who seek meaning in an often violent, insensible world.
Across the dramatic landscape of the Pacific Northwest’s Olympic Penins...