Young Terrs had heard about the great powers of his assassinated father, the sorcerer Terrs Fal Grizni, but when the Duke of Lanthi attacks Terrs, his mother, and the benevolent White Demons, the young man must claim his birthright to save humanity...
In a fragile alliance, the natives are stirring uneasily under their foreign rulers. Rebellion is brewing, and at the heart of the conflict lies the bloody and powerful cult of the god Aoun, whose followers will stop at nothing to rid their land of a...
In a land pockmarked with the grim relics of a long-ago war live a people consumed by the fear of magic. Those suspected of sorcery die at the hands of the infamous White Tribunal. And death and terror will reign until a young man pawns his soul for ...
Paula Volsky, author of The White Tribunal, returns with a spectacular saga of adventure and intrigue, romance and rebellion -- beginning with a wondrous discovery that could forever alter the fate of the free world....In the modern, civilized repu...