MAGNIFICENCE finds eighteen year old Mallory O'Shaughnessy struggling to overcome debilitating injuries inflicted by malicious, murderous Sylvia Brown. Relying on the watchfulness of Daniel and Diana Faulkner, and the power of the Lord, she struggles...
In RADIANCE, Mallory finds the Lord ever faithful as she pushes ahead with her diamonds and design business, partnering with Diana Faulkner. David is never far from her thoughts as the five years pass, sometimes seeming to crawl and, at other times, ...
Newly married and with the sudden development of a baby on the way, can Mallory have the union she always dreamed of? Determined to avoid the fi ghting trap her parents were caught in, will she fi nd that getting along is easier said than done? Follo...
With new perils and pitfalls, David and Mallory, attack life and business with energy and zest. In spite of love and commitment, they find it sometimes hard to communicate and agree in some important areas. This amidst business crises and the demands...
Gaining Ground continues and completes the enchanting, high-energy saga of David and Mallory as they press forward in their Christian faith, maintaining good testimonies in a marketplace fraught with deteriorating business ethics! Keeping their eyes ...
And the hits just keep coming! From the beginning with an attack on Trent Morrison’s family, it seems like a concentrated conspiracy against David and Mallory and their tight-knit group of friends and business associates! Is it a coordinated attack...