Introducing a new author to Knopf Paperbacks in a hilarious, fast-paced story of a tortured summer romancefrom the guy's point of view. In this debut novel, Many adroitly captures the nuances and ironies of teenage ups and downs with irreveren...
Sixteen-year-old Neal Thackery is trying really hard to follow the logical (but boring) path laid out for him by his mother, his longtime girlfriend, Emily, his guidance counselor, his boss. . . He punches the time clock and does his best to follo...
When Dad's pancakes magically take flight, it is up to his three children to round up their breakfast. Hot on the trail, the magician's kids pursue the pancakes down alleyways, across town, and through the park. Tracking down a bunch of renegade p...
Don't break the prime directive―never look back.
Talk about marching to the beat of a different drummer. Nick has been out of step ever since his older brother was killed twelve years ago in a car crash.
Since then his conversations...
Pete's dad has very little hair to comb. And what he does have looks a bit, shall we say, scraggly? Every day Pete tries to help him neaten it, but every day the hairs pop right back up. Well, this dad has had enough! One day while shaving, Dad ju...
When a scary situation causes a dinosaur-sized transformation, how will Gregory adapt? When Gregory wakes up in the body of a dinosaur on the morning of his big class presentation, he's worried. He's scheduled to talk about the asteroid that wiped ou...