Rampant lightning strikes targeting loggers on Borneo island mark the beginning of the battles of creatures in Borneo rainforest, a home shared by millions of physical and spiritual creatures. With the forest disappearing in an alarming rate over the...
Guroh, a very ambitious giant, also known as gerasi, plans to conquer all the five gerasi clans so that he can be Master of the Land. Legend has it that a half-gerasi-half-shape-shifter is the only creature who stands between him and his ambition, an...
It is the responsibility of a dutiful son to avenge the death of his father. After centuries of searching for his enemy in vain, Laja of Panggau Libau finally comes across a clue about where to start looking for the villain. The clue brings him strai...
In a battle that goes horribly wrong, Keling of Panggau Libau is severely wounded. Thus, his soul leaves his body. His wife, Kumang, takes a desperate measure to forcibly return his soul to the realm of the living, despite the warning that there will...