Packed with action, romance and historical intrigue, Rurouni Kenshin is one of the most beloved and popular manga series worldwide. Set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, it tells the saga of Himura Kenshin, once an assassin of ferocious ...
The battle to decide the fate of Meiji-era swordsmanship has begun!Action, romance, and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, one of the...
One of the most popular manga series in the world now in an omnibus format. Packed with action, romance and historical intrigue, Rurouni Kenshin is one of the most beloved and popular manga series worldwide....
R to L (Japanese Style). The Age Decides the Man Second only to Shishio Makoto when it comes to skill with a blade, the emotionless warrior Seta SMjirM‘s speed and agility are pushing Kenshin to the breaking point. But how did a seemingly humbl...
Packed with action, romance and historical intrigue, Rurouni Kenshin is one of the most beloved and popular manga series worldwide. Set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, it tells the saga of Himura Kenshin, once an assassin of ferocious ...
Packed with action, romance and historical intrigue, Rurouni Kenshin is one of the most beloved and popular manga series worldwide. Set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, it tells the saga of Himura Kenshin, once an assassin of ferocious ...
Packed with action, romance and historical intrigue, Rurouni Kenshin is one of the most beloved and popular manga series worldwide. Set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, it tells the saga of Himura Kenshin, once an assassin of ferocious ...
Packed with action, romance and historical intrigue, Rurouni Kenshin is one of the most beloved and popular manga series worldwide. Set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, it tells the saga of Himura Kenshin, once an assassin of ferocious ...
Packed with action, romance and historical intrigue, Rurouni Kenshin is one of the most beloved and popular manga series worldwide. Set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, it tells the saga of Himura Kenshin, once an assassin of ferocious ...
Packed with action, romance and historical intrigue, Rurouni Kenshin is one of the most beloved and popular manga series worldwide. Set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, it tells the saga of Himura Kenshin, once an assassin of ferocious ...
Packed with action, romance and historical intrigue, Rurouni Kenshin is one of the most beloved and popular manga series worldwide. Set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, it tells the saga of Himura Kenshin, once an assassin of ferocious ...
Packed with action, romance and historical intrigue, Rurouni Kenshin is one of the most beloved and popular manga series worldwide. Set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, it tells the saga of Himura Kenshin, once an assassin of ferocious ...
In the 11th year of Meiji, in the middle of Tokyo, this tale begins.... Now, for the first time in English, get the facts on your favorite rurouni in one comprehensive volume. If you thought you knew everything about Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshi...
To build a new age, must one truly be mad enough to turn from the extreme justice that political allegiance requires? Deep in the Japanese countryside, far from the gore-spattered streets of the capital, a man who never knew what happiness was begins...
Though he once killed in the name of the nascent Meiji government, even an infamous manslayer such as "Hitokiri Battôsai" might grow weary and vow never to kill again. As a new age dawns, there are those who yet cling to the ways of bloodshed, and s...
The ghosts of Kenshin''s past come to wreak havoc on his future as the fight is literally brought to the doorstep of Kamiya Dojo. Three great battles--three great warriors! Myôjin Yahiko, the student of swords not yet a man, takes on a fighter m...
Action, romance, and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, one of the most popular Shonen Jump titles among fans to date. Himura Kenshin,...
Action, romance, and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, one of the most popular Shonen Jump titles among fans to date. Himura Kenshin,...
Action, romance, and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, one of the most popular Shonen Jump titles among fans to date. Himura Kenshin,...
Action, romance, and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, one of the most popular Shonen Jump titles among fans to date. Himura Kenshin,...
Action, romance, and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, one of the most popular Shonen Jump titles among fans to date. Himura Kenshin,...
Action, romance, and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, one of the most popular Shonen Jump titles among fans to date. Himura Kenshin,...
While investigating the mystery of the black kakugane, Kazuki, Tokiko and Gouta and unexpectedly meet up with Alexandria and Victoria, the wife and daughter of the traitorous Victor. Alexandria and Victoria explain that a cure for the effects of the ...
The remaining Alchemist Warriors head for Papillon Mask's hideout to put an end to everything. But is Papillon Mask really going to carry out his mission to burn the entire world to the ground? Meanwhile, Kazuki and Victor's battle on the moon contin...
In the Old West only the strong survive. Viu Bannes is a boy on a mission to be the best gunfighter in the West. When Viu meets a vagabond gunslinger named Marcus Homer, his desire to be the best becomes even stronger. He knows it's his destiny to ...
Packed with action, romance and historical intrigue, Rurouni Kenshin is one of the most beloved and popular manga series worldwide. Set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, it tells the saga of Himura Kenshin, once an assassin of fer...
• A three-volume manga series from the creator of Rurouni Kenshin and Buso Renkin• Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin has been a massive fan favorite in Japan and in the U.S.• Rurouni Kenshin has sold through over 1.26 million units in the U.S. to date....
"• This VIZBIG edition of Rurouni Kenshin contains Volumes 7-9, bonus color content, and updated text.• A 28-volume manga series – over 4.5 million copies in accumulated sales in Japan!• Rurouni Kenshin has sold through over 1.2 ...
19th century, America--Legend has it that in the far West lies a sacred land called Gun Blaze West, where only the strong can set foot. Viu Bannes, a cheerful and persistent boy, aspires to become a great gunslinger and yearns to travel to the West a...
One of the most popular manga series in the world now in an omnibus format. Packed with action, romance and historical intrigue, Rurouni Kenshin is one of the most beloved and popular manga series worldwide.Packed with action, romance and historical ...
R to L (Japanese Style). RemembranceIn the new Meiji Era, Himura Kenshin uses his reversed-edge sword to protect the lives of those within his reach, but during the chaos and bloodshed of the Bakumatsu, he was a very different man. What is the true s...
Change your perspective: get BIG R to L (Japanese Style). Sin, Judgment, Acceptance Making good on his promise to attack the Kamiya Dojo, Enishi and his comrades pounce on Kenshin and company and quickly fight them to a standstill. Seeking to break t...
"Change your perspective: get BIGR to L (Japanese Style). Change your perspective: get BIG Final Volume! Toward a New Era: Yukishiro Enishi''s plan to cast Kenshin into a living hell of remorse and regret appears to have succeeded. Holding himself r...
The madness of Shishio Makoto may know no bounds, but what of his body? An eleventh-hour revelation suggests a possible weakness, but will the news come in time to help a critically wounded Kenshin, whose own strength is reaching its limit? In this n...
Though he once killed in the name of the nascent Meiji government, even an infamous manslayer such as "Hitokiri Battôsai" might grow weary and vow never to kill again. As a new age dawns, there are those who yet cling to the ways of bloodshed, and s...
Kenshin and his comrades have finally discovered the location of Enishi's island compound, but to free Kaoru from captivity, a good deal of fighting will be necessary. Woo Heishin, Enishi's mysterious second-in-command, meets them on the beach and br...
A glimpse of the new Japan if the mad ambitions of Shishio Makoto should succeed is revealed when Kenshin arrives in Kyoto and meets him at last...although the epic battle between them will have to wait. Pitted against Shishio's soldiers, Kenshin's r...
The ghosts of Kenshin's past come to wreak havoc on his future as the fight is literally brought to the doorstep of Kamiya Dojo. Three great battles--three great warriors! Myôjin Yahiko, the student of swords not yet a man, takes on a fighter more t...
The Great Kyoto Fire behind them (and casualties relatively slight), Kenshin and the others consider their next move. The Oniwabanshu may indeed be allies this time ("Now there's a weird twist," as Sano says), but their leader, Shinomori Aoshi, is ...
He may be one of the "good guys" now (as Misao insists) but, even a month later, Kenshin still is haunted by Kyoto. How can he not be, when it was in Kyoto that, as the feared "Hitokiri Battôsai," he once made the streets flow red...? And yet, befor...
Shinomori Aoshi was once the leader of Edo Castle's elite guard, the Oniwabanshû. But with the fighting at an end and the shôgunate overthrown, the brilliant Aoshi and his four most loyal onmitsu, or spies, find themselves without a home or a purpo...
To defeat an enemy in combat is one thing. To destroy an enemy's spirit by striking at what he holds dearest is another. Kenshin always felt that, so long as he wielded a sakabatô, those within his sight could be protected from harm, yet while he is...
As Kenshin continues his re-education at the hand of his master in Hiten Mitsurugi, Hiko Seijûrô, he looks back also to the first, early years of that training...including the moment in his life in which he changed his name to "Kenshin." Meanwhile,...
At the madman Shishio Makoto's headquarters, the long-delayed duel between Kenshin and Shinomori Aoshi concludes, while at Aoi-Ya, those left behind wage their own, desperate battle against Shishio's Juppongatana or "Ten Swords." The strength of on...
The Shinsengumi--fearsome and formidable protectors of the Shôgunate. Kenshin knows them well, having done battle with them during the final days of the Meiji Restoration. One man in particular--Saitô Hajime, captain of the third unit--lingers in K...
If there's one thing tough-as-nails street brawler--and ex-Sekihô Army cadet--Sagara Sanosuke can't stand, it's hypocritical, loudmouthed braggarts who talk the talk but are incapable of walking the walk. Finding himself in the middle of a provincia...
One hundred and forty years ago in Kyoto, with he coming of the American "Black Ships," there arose a warrior who, felling men with his bloodstained blade, gained the name Hitokiri, manslayer! His killer blade helped close the turbulent Bakumatsu era...
His sakabato broken in battle, Kenshin seeks out the man who forged it--Arai Shakkû--only to be turned away. Seikû, son of the legendary swordsmith, had for a time been continuing his father's work (the forging of katana, meant for killing), but h...
Kenshin's battle with Raijûta to decide the fate of Meiji Era swordsmanship is coming to a head. One fact is quickly becoming apparent: Raijûta will stop at nothing to ensure the supremacy of his own school of sword-fighting! Reunited with a member...
In the 11th year of Meiji, on the day marked in the Western calendar as May 14th, time once again begins to flow. The shocking midday murder of Department of Internal Affairs Chief Ã"ûkubo a fait accompli, Kenshin leaves for Kyoto, scene of chaos an...
With Misao's help, Kaoru finally manages to locate Kenshin in Kyoto--at the home of Hiko Seijûrô, his master in the school of Hiten Mitsurugi. Having convinced his master to resume (complete) his training, Kenshin assumes the role of pupil once mor...
Is there such a thing as divine will or guidance...? Seta Sôjirô, stopping for a moment in mid-battle with Kenshin, may be beginning to think so. When Sôjirô made the fateful decision to ally with the monomaniacal Shishio Makoto, his family paid ...
"Spider's Web" ordinary opium, but better processed. Half the cost to produce, but twice the profits! To the people of Aizu, Takani Megumi was a daughter in a famous family of doctors, in which everyone--women and children alike--studied medic...
To build a new age, must one truly be mad enough to turn from the extreme justice that political allegiance requires? Deep in the Japanese countryside, far from the gore-spattered streets of the capital, a man who never knew what happiness was begins...
It began with a sin, committed by Kenshin, back during his bloody days as hitokiri or a government-sanctioned slayer of men. Although stopping most of the assassins who still come seeking revenge should be easy enough, what of the innocent--Sanosuk...
In order to discover more about the relationship that binds Kenshin and Enishi, Saitô Hajime makes a surprise appearance at Kamiya Dojo--only to find the aftermath of Kenshin, Sanosuke, and Yahiko's desperate life-or-death battles with Enishi's caba...
Isurugi Raijûta, a truly old-school swordsman, comes to Kenshin and requests his aid in reforming the state of swordsmanship schools, or kenjutsu dojo, in Japan. Although Kenshin is intrigued by Raijûta's ideals (chiefly, that there is a need for a...
As the Juppongatana or "Ten Swords" move to attack those at Aoi-Ya (Kaoru, Yahiko, Misao, and the rest of the Kyoto-based spy clan), Kenshin--accompanied by Sanosuke and Saitô--squares off against one of his most powerful opponents yet: Shinomori ...
As the feared assassin of the Bakumatsu, Himura Kenshin killed in the name of the new era. As the rurouni of Meiji, he wielded a sakabatô to protect those who couldn't protect themselves, all along holding true to his vow to never take another life....
When the chief of the Police Sword Corps himself comes asking for favors, things must be bad. Hitokiri Udô Jin-e--a black-hatted, crazy-eyed slayer who fells both targets and innocent bystanders alike--is steadily working his way through a list of f...
Talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time! High school student Kazuki Muto had no clue what he was in for when he rescued damsel in distress Tokiko from a monster known as a "homunculus." Disguised as humans--who actually eat humans--homu...
With less than a week to go before the homunculus lodged in Tokiko's waist reaches her brain, Kazuki and Tokiko search for the creator of the dreaded homunculi. But little do they know that the evil genius behind the human flesh-eating monsters is an...
Never underestimate the power of underwear! With no battle gear to speak of besides his butterfly mask and skivvies, Papillon Mask survives a bitter duel against our boy Kazuki. Meanwhile, Papillon Mask's great-great-grandfather Dr. Butterfly promise...
Kazuki inadvertently reveals his identity as an Alchemist Warrior to the Hayasaka twins, members of the L.X.E. (League of Extraordinary Elects), when he activates his Buso Renkin in front of them. After Tokiko and Kazuki take on the twins in a late-n...
Upon arriving at the hidden headquarters of the League of Extraordinary Elects (the L.X.E.), the Alchemist Warriors learn of the League's plot to attack the high school. Kazuki and Tokiko immediately head over there, only to discover that the school ...
Kazuki and Tokiko find themselves face to face with the legendary traitor of the Alchemist Warriors. The traitor, Victor, has a black kakugane for a heart, giving him the ability to drain energy from any humans in the area and increase his own streng...
Kazuki's black kakugane, which powers his Buso Renkin weapon and keeps him alive, will soon advance to the point where it begins draining life from others around him. Teaming up with his partner Tokiko, Kazuki leaves on a mission to find out more abo...
While investigating the mystery of the black kakugane, Kazuki, Tokiko and Gouta unexpectedly meet up with Alexandria and Victoria, the wife and daughter of the traitorous Victor. Alexandria and Victoria explain that a cure for the effects of the blac...
Kazuki and Tokiko are on the run from the hunters of the Alchemist Warriors! Tokiko, now reduced to the size of a doll, fights alongside Kazuki and Gouta as they take on three of the hunters and Captain Bravo himself, whose past is finally revealed! ...
In the Old West only the strong survive. Viu Bannes is a boy on a mission to be the best gunfighter in the West. When Viu meets a vagabond gunslinger named Marcus Homer, his desire to be the best becomes even stronger. He knows it's his destiny to tr...
Five years after Marcus Homer's death, Viu's training is complete and he begins his quest in earnest. While passing through St. Louis, Viu meets Will Johnston, a rope master who shares Viu's mission... and tenacity. Has Viu found a new rival in Will,...
A condensed retelling of the beloved samurai tale--one of the best-selling manga series of all time -- released in conjunction with a new live-action movie. During the violent upheaval of the Bakumatsu era, Hitokiri Battosai was a feared and ruthl...
But not everyone is pleased with Kenshin’s new direction, and enemies from his dark past have vowed to bring him down!...
Final Volume!Viu Bannes continues his journey with rope master Will Johnston and knife-throwing Colice. This final volume has the gang up against multiple powerhouses--an eye patch-wearing tough guy with a mechanical arm and an army of armored knight...
During the violent upheaval of the Bakumatsu era, Hitokiri Battosai was a feared and ruthless assassin. But now that the Meiji Restoration has begun to heal the wounds of civil war, Battosai has taken up a new name…and a new calling! He is now Himu...
The beloved landmark tale of a Meiji-era swordsman’s quest for redemption.Action, romance and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki’s Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration,...
The beloved landmark tale of a Meiji-era swordsman’s quest for redemption.Action, romance, and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, on...
The beloved landmark tale of a Meiji-era swordsman’s quest for redemption.Action, romance, and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, on...
The beloved landmark tale of a Meiji-era swordsman’s quest for redemption.Action, romance and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki’s Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, o...
The beloved landmark tale of a Meiji-era swordsman’s quest for redemption.Action, romance and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki’s Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, o...
The beloved landmark tale of a Meiji-era swordsman’s quest for redemption.Action, romance and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki’s Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, ...
The beloved landmark tale of a Meiji-era swordsman’s quest for redemption. Action, romance and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki’s Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoratio...
The beloved landmark tale of a Meiji-era swordsman’s quest for redemption. Action, romance and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki’s Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoratio...