Part of the "Accident!" series about a busy hospital accident ward, this first story deals with all kinds of emergency admissions, but centres around an injury sustained by a young dancer. This leads to revelations of anorexia, which the girl, her fa...
The second in the "Accident" series sees the unprincipled behaviour in a young doctor's personal life threaten the morale of the staff, just as a young boy needs more than the obvious help with an injury. A "Cause for Concern" fact sheet in the book ...
Trouble is brewing in Whitson's A&E unit as doctors Tarquin and Jasmine cannot agree on anything. Matters come to a head when an unconscious boy is admitted and Tarquin insists he is just another glue-sniffer while Jasmine has different ideas. A 'Cau...
Burning schools, suspected glue-sniffing cases, new appointments, closure of the hospital and Tarquin - how is anyone supposed to have a life with all this going on around them Tarquin is yet again at the centre of a power struggle between himself, h...
A year after Alec Bernhard had to make the call to take his wife off life support, after a horrific accident he had lost all hope to ever be happy again. All he had left as a reminder of his wife was her cat Storm, but when Storm goes missing Alec go...