Lorene Kilmer heads for the wilds of British Columbia and her two eccentric aunts when her father dies, and there she encounters an evil presence at their abode, Montroth House, a threat against her life, and an enigmatic, handsome stranger. Afte...
Amidst the gardens and greenery, a chill of fear. Orphaned but proud, Laura Parkinson arrived at Carnaugh to deliver a letter to her Aunt Minna. But her welcome at the Scottish castle was marred by the disturbing cry of a child - and the chilly recep...
A HAVEN FOR THE LONELY BECOMES A SANCTUARY OF TERROR... Blessed with the gift of second sight. Paulette Kirkwood was drawn to the chateau on the hill. Yet even she could not have sensed the danger that awaited her. The spirits of the Crecy mansion...