A Policemans Lot Volume Two in the Notting Hill Trilogy A comedy adventure, beginning in London in the spring of 1975. An elderly widow of an eminent archaeologist who lived in Notting hill and was involved in the finding of some stolen penny black...
The Quest for the Penny Black Volume One of the Notting Hill Trilogy A comedy adventure set in London in 1974. A number of Londoners, with the help of clues which were contained in the diaries of a dishonest Equerry to Queen Victoria that hinted ...
An adventure story involving two teenage students, who visit a mansion of a mysterious owner, whose ancestors were big game hunters in Africa. The mansion had many glass cases filled with stuffed animals. One night, they were asked to accompany two s...
An adventure story involving two teenage students, who visit a mansion of a mysterious owner, whose ancestors were big game hunters in Africa. The mansion had many glass cases filled with stuffed animals. One night, they were asked...