A fable based on the Bible story of the Three Wise Men traces out their individual personalities, exploring their desires, dreams, and motives for following the Star of Bethlehem, and includes the story of a fourth king, Taor...
One of France's most important contemporary novelists, Tournier (The Fetishist) ponders a favorite themetwinning and cloningin this story of 15-year-old Idris, an Algerian shepherd lured to the menial workforce of Paris. When a charming blonde touris...
Yves Oudalle, one-time captain of a fishing trawler and still in love with the sea, and Nadege, his wife, no longer get on. At a dinner party to announce their separation, each of the guests tells a story which grows more powerful as the night draws ...
Michel Tournier's Eleazar, Exodus to the West is a modern successor to two seemingly disparate myths-the biblical adventure of the Exodus and the nineteenth-century myth of the American frontier. The setting is 1845. Eleazar, a Protestant minister, l...