Arizona's favorite superhero, 13-year old Cat-Boy, finds himself in the unusual position of having to fight the dangerous Queen Jonester, the video-game character that escaped from his beloved Game-Cat. All of Team Cat must do battle with her digital...
Cat Boy Vs The Mafia Knights - Michael Morgan...
Once again danger threatens the citizens of Glendale, AZ, and Cat-Boy, Leopard Girl, General Joe and the rest of Team-Cat jump into action. Dog-Boy, the world's most inept villain, is after the legendary Sword of Jimbo Colompton, and it's up to the s...
In this adventure, Cat-Boy is forced to save the President of the United States from an assassination attempt, and in the process also saves his arch enemy, Dog-Boy! Obligated to be loyal by the Dogs Code, he ends up an unwilling ally as Cat-Boy is d...
Cat-Boy just wants a day off. But crime never takes a holiday, and a heros work is never done. Cat-Boys convention meeting with the Sparky-Rat Brethren is interrupted when he is called to duty. Much to his chagrin, his nemesis, Joshua uses the opport...
The world has suddenly gone crazy. Not only are the citizens of Glendale, Arizona, in dangerthis time, its the entire country. Cat-Boy travels to Washington, DC, to rescue the president of the United States but somehow loses the Game-Cat and the pres...
In this seventh book of the popular Cat-Boy series, Cat-Boy just wants to compete in The Sparky Bowl, but alas, the fates (and alien politics!) intervene, once again proving a hero's work is never done. The space alien President of the United States ...
Hold on. This wasn't how I envisioned this would be. I mean, in the movies the music is right, the girl is patiently anticipating the love, and the guy is mentally psyching himself up for what is supposed to be the most life-altering, man-producing m...
The struggle to capture the technology of whales that create seawater wormholesIts a critical time for the human race, as the cold war mounts, the war department of the Navy is desperate to seek new technologies that ensure the supremacy on the ...