The author of this impressive first novel not only successfully writes from a woman's point of view but also tells a thoroughly engrossing story about emotional upheaval in a middle-class family. Anne Fossicker is a successful magazine editor who has...
The latest effort by the author of A Narrow Time begins with young Stephen Adamski's arrest for vandalizing a Jewish temple and his family's shocked reaction. This is the high point of a depressing, clinical account of the destructive control exerted...
One day Professor Mark Sternum is accused of 'prejudgism' by an African American single mother and he is fired from Boston's McClintock College. As his case makes national headlines, he turns to a small Shaker community for some much-needed peace....
Sam and Ed live the high life, and see no reason to add to their happy twosome. Then 11-year-old Scot’s mother dies, and a wine-soaked promise pushes the couple into parenthood. They dutifully make all the usual arrangements, but Scot is far f...
Recently widowed, unhappily stuck on a pricey whiplash tour of Italy, Elizabeth Berman comes face to face with the first documented painting of a teardrop in human history, and in the presence of that tearful mother, and the arresting company of the ...
This hilarious, sometimes harrowing, and ultimately heartening novel is the companion to the critically acclaimed, national bestseller Perfect Agreement "Beautifully and economically written, and very funny." -- Linda Wertheimer, NPR This is your c...
Welcome to Happy, Texas-a small Panhandle town with a name that doesn't always ring true. Discontent is brewing in Happy as Brother Bob questions his beliefs as pastor of a church. Jen, his choir director, flounders in her unhappy marriage while cari...
Author and musician Antonio Michael Downing's debut picture book is about big changes and big feelings, and speaks to all kids experiencing the highs and lows of childhood.Little Tony is full of love for his grandmother, his home in Trinidad and...
Betty meets Queenie in a courageous debut novel about a mixed-race Black girl fighting for recognition in a Cherokee Indian community that refuses to accept her ancestry as legitimate.Ophelia Blue Rivers is the specificity of her circumstance. She’...