It's Christmas Eve, and this police officer is on patrol. He encounters Sergeant Kringle, who takes over his patrol so the cop can go home to his family. This whimsical illustrated tale for young readers is a tribute to law-enforcement officers ev...
In the condo community of the Laguna Sands in Southern California, there are a few surprises for the residents. This is a story about relationships and adaption, personal compromise and overcoming the emotional damage that life deals us. Some of t...
The tale of growth and family among the small animals in your backyards. Like with all children, there are lessons learned and friendships found each day. In this tale Hailey, a Fence Lizard in Corona California helps train her brother Noah, makes a ...
Sometimes you need to suspend your disbelief while reading so you can enjoy the story within. This is one of those short stories.It builds upon the original e-book by author Michael D. Harrison Leaving Nora's Garden. Which was more aggressive and had...