Colorful, quirky illustrations and entertaining questions provide young children with an introduction to the animal world as they discover the special characteristics of such animals as the pig, the zebra, and a monkey....
Do pigs buzz around flowers? Have you ever seen a ladybug stand on one tiny leg? Who might you find swimming underwater? Animals move and so do we! Can you hop like a flea -- or even fly? Each silly question appears on a double-page spread along with...
Melanie Walsh has once again created picture books for the youngest child. This time she introduces the concept of diversity, but her approach is very gentle:
Agnes has blue eyes. Kit’s eyes are brown. But . . .
they both close their eyes...
Do lions live on lily pads? No, but frogs do!
Do guinea pigs live in webs? No, but spiders do!
Do crocodiles live in shells? No, but . . .
Toddlers learn all about where animals live -- and where they don’t -- in this latest book from ...
A reassuring and simple story about separation for the very youngest children. Mum and Dad don't live together any more, so sometimes this little girl lives with her mum and her cat, and sometimes she lives with her dad. She has two bedrooms and two ...
For young children who live in two homes, this bright, simple story with oversized flaps reassures young readers that there is love in each one. Her parents don't live together anymore, so sometimes the child in this book lives with her mom and ca...
Isaac may look like everyone else, but he actually has superpowers that make him different from his brother and his classmates. Some kids don’t understand that and call him names. But Isaac’s superhero brain remembers loads of things, he has ener...