The Secret in The West Woods revolves around sixth grader Jack Kidman, who has come to Ohio from Seattle to help out his grandfather. He teams up with the feisty Regan Wirsing and the two begin a search for the legendary Ansel's Cave in The West Wood...
Seventh grader Ray Brennan has a lot on his plate. His trumpet solo in the school stage band's spring concert is in serious jeopardy, things aren't going well at home, and to top if off, there's the question of who's been watching him. Add a mysterio...
On her way into school one morning, Beth Jackman sees an amazing sight -- a large silver egg floating over the parking lot. Feeling excitement in the air, Beth lingers to see what will happen. With a whoosh!, a small door opens in the side of the egg...
Where in time is Aiden Pike going now? Armed with a new Dewey Decimal Classification, he tempts fate again by researching in the Shackleton Falls Public Library. He meets a new friend, but will he share with her what's been going on when he takes a b...