In the tradition of Tolkien and Herbert, "Orobai's Vision" is the captivating first installment of the four volume fantasy/sci-fi epic, "Tales of Aurduin," by Martin W. Ball. When the creature Orobai discovers an unusual jewel that transforms into a ...
The followers of the Tal are spreading their message about the Holy Kyandara and the Mother of the Perfect Creation across the face of Aurduin. A fierce resistance movement is gathering in Jeaniaurduin, ready to strike out against the invading Jolao...
Tales of Aurduin continues in this exciting second installment of the series with The Fate of Miraanni. Orobai is missing. The mysterious child, Miraanni, has fallen into a catatonic state, but not before inspiring a fanatical religion in her name. H...
Tales of Aurduin comes to a stunning conclusion in this final book of the series, the Fifth Temple. All-out war rages across Aurduin with the massive Jolao military armada engulfing Jeaniaurduin in an attempt to crush Kalzhat and the resistance. Jao ...