The workings of the criminal mind meet their counterparts in the medical world in this dynamic, sophisticated, fast-paced thriller by veteran mystery writer Goldberg, authour of the cult classic The Anatomy Lesson. Here Goldberg continues his relentl...
A super thriller - literate, intelligent and possessed of both psychological and visceral suspense.... A noted Russian scientist, who is on the verge of a break-through discovery that will make his country impregnable to missile attack and master of ...
HE'S AMERICA'S #1 DOCTOR AND HIS PROOF OF A MASSIVE HEALTH CARE SWINDLE COULD BLOW THE WHITE HOUSE APART! Dan Lassiter's brilliant achievements have rocketed him to the most influential medical position in the nation. His future seems assured until a...
Greed. Corruption. Murder. New York in 1880 is a hell of a place to make your living. Nellie Bly arrives at age twenty-four in Manhattan, lacking connections and money, but blessed with an abundance of courage and a skill for reportage. Within...
Nestled in the Green Mountains of Vermont, a small farm, owned by an elderly veterinarian, possesses extra-ordinary properties: something in either its air, soil or water kills cancer cells. Matt Lawrence, a 40 year-old man with terminal lung cancer,...
A super thriller - literate, intelligent and possessed of both psychological and visceral suspense.... A noted Russian scientist, who is on the verge of a break-through discovery that will make his country impregnable to missile attack and master of ...
What would be the biggest news story of all time? For an elderly and eccentric billionaire named Z.Z. Mellon, it would be proof of life after death. With the help of his old friend, Dr. Frank Blackman, he's willing to pay any amount to find out if ...
Tension-filled sequel to A Deadly Operation. A scientific struggle for computer supremacy. Two Soviet scientists are on the verge of developing the first bio-computer,"" an electronic-organic synthesis that could result in the first true artificial i...