The Squatter and the Don, originally published in San Francisco in 1885, is the first fictional narrative written and published in English from the perspective of the conquered Mexican population that, despite being granted the full rights of citizen...
Who Would Have Thought It? (1872) is a novel by Mexican American author María Amparo Ruiz de Burton. The novel, Ruiz de Burton’s debut, is a semi-autobiographical story of race, class, and gender set before and during the American Civil War. Centr...
The Squatter and the Don (1885) is a novel by Mexican American author María Amparo Ruiz de Burton. The novel, Ruiz de Burton's second, explores the consequences of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo for the Californios whose land was taken followin...
The Squatter and the Don (1885) is a novel by Mexican American author María Amparo Ruiz de Burton. The novel, Ruiz de Burton’s second, explores the consequences of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo for the Californios whose land was taken following ...